Imagine #38: Glass Shreds

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Hope you like it! Sorry for not updating sooner.


Your POV 

"OUCH!" I yelled as a spurt of blood ran out of my 'supposedly-cut' finger.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Kendall, my boyfriend of three years, shouted running into the kitchen to where I was standing. He took one look at my hand and then shoved it under the cold flow of the sink, rubbing it gently with a worried expression on his face.

Some more pain ran through my finger and I screamed again. He wrapped my finger in a kitchen towel, but it hurt again so I tore it off. "Baby, what happened?" He asked, his voice shook with worry.

"I-I was washing the dishes and a glass slipped from my hand and so I picked it up and it -just started bleeing!" I sobbed as my finger shook voilently and blood fell to the tiled dull grey floor. He brought my finger up to the level of his eyes and looked at it closley. Then his perfect green orbs lit up and he ran outside and returned, minutes later with a First-Aid kit.

He rummaged through and found a cotton ball. He took my hand and stroked the cotton on the tip of my index finger. The bleeding stopped considerably as the cotton helped clot the 'wound'.

Kendall sighed, kissed my finger and smiled at me. He wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead.

"Sit down." He told me and picked up the broken glass from the sink and threw in the bin. Then he washed the rest of the dishes and cleaned the three tiny puddles of blood that glistened on the floor. I felt my finger. It stung.

"Kendall? I think there's something in here." I said wincing.

"I know." He said over his shoulder. Excuse me?

"W-What?" I stammered.

"There are some glass shreds in there, but don't worry. I'll take them out."


"I'll pull 'em out." He said with a mischievious smirk.

"Kendall! I-is it gonna hurt?"

"It might." He told me and stroked my cheek. I smiled. What would I do without him?

He turned around and put all the now dried dishes back in the cabinets and I examined my finger again. I winced again as the glass came into contact with the flesh again. I saw something glint and used my free hand to try and pull it out myself.

It was a stupid thing to do. I knew it was.

A little shriek escaped my lips. Oops!

"Baby, don't. I'll do it myself. Just relax and leave it be."

Oh God. Help me.

30 minutes later, we were in the bedroom, Kendall sitting cross-legged on the bed with a tweazer in his hand. Me, sitting oppsite him. One hand held out in front of him, and the other in voluntarily clutching his ankle. "Ready?"

I nodded and bit my tongue to stop my self from screaming. Or crying.

He looked carefully at it, then - pain. A lot of pain. Like he was hammering a nail in my finger. I looked away and closed my eyes tightly. And then the pain was gone. I looked at him with a blurred vision. I blinked back my tears and saw there was something shiny in the tweazer; The shreds were out.

I sighed with relief, but Kendall grabbed my hand again.

No, don't tell me. Not another one. No more. Please.

Kendall closed the tweazer and dragged it against the skin. The cool metal felt soothing. There was no pain this time and just as I was about to fall back in relief, another dose of pain striked my poor finger and I screamed out louder than ever before.

The cycle followed again. I tried to yank my hand away. I can live with the thing inside me. But he held onto it. I coldn't pry my hand away from his firm grip no matter how hard I tried. And then he released my throbbing hand.

I looked. Another piece, much bigger then the other before, was stuck between the mouth of the tweazer. He put it on his bed-side table then held out his palm. I made a 'Please don't' face at him. He made an 'I'm sorry' face back at me. I made a duck-face and puy my hand in his palm.

The tweazer travelled the length of my finger, sliding against the tip. No pain. Nothing at all.

Kendall smiled at me and put the tweazer down. I jumped into his arms and hugged him as he fell over on his back and I landed on his chest. We laughed a little, I kissed his cheek and then before we knew it, we both had drifted off.


You know, this atually did happen 6 weeks ago. Except it as me and it was mom's ankle I was clutching and I screamed all through and didn't hug her afterwards. :P

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora