Imagine #15: Next Step ( Continued )

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Hey! So I got a request from a friend to continue, I go! Hope you like it!!


Kendall's (P.O.V.)

----------------- 12 Days Later ------------------

I making my way to the ice cream parlour. I was still missing her like hell. It was fucking not good not having to talk to her. I felt so apart of me was gone. I felt so sad, she was what made me happy when I was sad, or feel wanted when I felt like I somehow didn't belong, she was the best thing in my life. But I had lost her. I'd tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. I texted her, but she didn't answer. I checked her twitter, but she had blocked me. I knew she was still mad at me, and she had every right to. It was my fault, I know it.

But I knew she still loved me too. Because of the way she had kissed me on the door step. I know she was trying to tell me how much she loved me...and I know what she meant. I loved her, more than anything. More than music. More than Sissy or Yuma. She was what made it all worthwhile.

And now, I only have our selfies to look at. I would die rather than delete them. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her cute little nose....I stared at her all day long. She was so beautiful, she was the love of my life. I texted a "Good morning, love" every day. But she didn't answer....

I reached the ice cream parlour, I was still lost in my thoughts when I bumped into someone....

Your (P.O.V.)

I loved him, I missed him. I know it wasn't his fault, but to see him being kissed by that blond bitch was something that I couldn't bear.

I had been thinking about him ever since he had left - no, I had kicked him out. We still loved each other, we knew it, but I couldn't face him. I spent the nights crying, and the days, thinking about him.

" There you are, love" said the guy behind the counter. He was holding out my ice cream.

I turned around, and crashed into someone. I couldn't believe it was him.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, he was here, he was really here...

Kendall's (P.O.V.)

It was her. She was right here in front of me. Her mouth was hanging open.

She looked beautiful than ever, but her eyes were swollen and red.

We froze as we looked at each.

" (Y/N)..."

Her hand lost the grip on the ice cream she was holding.

As the cone hit the ground and smashed at our feet, she threw her arms around my neck. She hugged me so tightly I almost fell over, but I knew it wouldn't matter.

She held on to me. I hugged her back, burying my face in her lovely, sweet- smelling hair.

"I'm sorry, Kendall!" She sobbed in to my chest

"Shh. It's okay"

I was so happy to have her back, I was levitating 3 inches above the ground.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I just lost control! Kendall, please forgive me, I'm sorry!" She cried

"It's okay... Look," I pushed her away a little. " I'm sorry too. You were right, I should've pushed that girl away from me. But I didn't. I'm sorry, babe"

She didn't stop me from calling her "Babe" this time. Which confirmed she was mine again.

She shook her held, gave me a watery smile, and buried her face in my shoulder again.

I held her close. I couldn't bear to let go, I knew everyone was watching us, but I didn't care, I had her back, and that was the only thing that mattered to me.

"It's okay...we can start over" I whispered to her

I heard her giving a muffled laugh.

She looked up at me, and I leaned in and kissed her.

She kissed me back, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

The shop erupted with whoops and applause.

We smiled against our lips. She pulled away and looked at me.

"Boy, you're a sight for sore eyes" she said

I laughed and kissed her again.

We went into a park and stayed there all morning.

When we were about to go back, she broke down again.

"Babe, please don't cry" I whispered as I started to kiss away her tears. "Shh. Please, babe. I love you" I said, now kissing her eyes.

" I love you too, Kendall! But I just don't know how you want me back after what I did!" She said

I chuckled. " I want you back, because I love you. More than anything in the entire universe. You are my world, and I don't need anything but you." I told her. But I started kissing her again. Kissing away the last of her tears.

She giggled.

"You're mine for forever now" I said, leaning my forehead against hers.

"Huh?" She asked.

I looked behind me, there was a bush of roses.

I plucked the biggest one up, and walked back to her.

I got down on one knee.

"(Y/N), will you do the honour of being my bride?" I asked

Her eyes brimmed with tears again, but they were tears of happiness.

"Yes, Kendall, yes, I will!" She squealed.

I got up, put the rose in her hair, and kissed her forehead.

"You know," she began " you're not allowed to pluck flowers from here" she giggled.

"I don't care about a stupid park rule. I care about you, and only you."

Then I pressed my lips to her. She kissed me back, and we lived happily ever after...


Okay, the ending was kinda weird, but... I hope you liked it! Vote and Comment please! And sorry it's so short!

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now