Imagine #79: Goof

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You walked down the stairs after the so-craved ice cold shower. Feeling considerably lighter than you had done all day, you reached the foot of the stairs. The house was quite, for all the members were out- working or just out for a walk or down at an ice cream cafe, the only noise was the TV in the background - until another sound reached you, making your ears perk up in surprise. You frowned and followed the voice to the living room.

You stopped dead in your tracks as you looked at the scene unfolding before you- Kendall, standing shirtless in front of the TV, mocking the air port commercial. Guess he still wasn't over them losing his suit case.

Trying to hold in your laughter, your hand slithered down to your pocket and as if you had been waiting to do this all day, you were videoing him as he spoke back at the television in a strained duck-like quack-ish voice.

You were amazed at how hot he could mange to look hot even when he was fooling around. You posted the video on your Vine account, and put the mobile away. You continued to watch him as he didn't stop after the air port advertisement. A small smile crept on your face as you pursed your lips in a side smile and slowly, quietly, made your way across the room.

You stopped a foot away from him- taking in the beautiful sight in front of you. His bare, freckled, back displaying all his tattoos. The map of South America, his so loved dog, Sissy, a peace sign right in the middle of his upper back, another one he had recently got- for his grandparents, the Eagle and the Rose and a little above the rest, inked in black- his zodiac sign: A Scorpio.

You pulled yourself out of the trance and closed your arms around his waist, startling him as you did, and pressing your cheek to his cold skin.

You closed your eyes and he wrapped his arms around yours.
You chuckled softly and said to yourself. "Goof."


Hey guys- sorry for not updating in the past few days, it's just- I'm really upset. You see I'm a HUGE Paul Walker fan, and we watched Furious 7 last Friday, and the tribute had me in hysterical gales of tears. My entire weekend was spent mourning, and so have been the past three days. I don't know, I'm really sad, I miss Paul like hell, and even though I never met him, and he never knew me- it feels like I did know him- but I guess some people can touch your heart even when they live thousands of miles away from you? Like BTR does? But- thank God they're all alive and well- I just, I don't know. I feel really unlike myself because a thing such as this has never happened to me before, and I don't know, I guess I'm being over emotional? Ugh. IDK. Bye.

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now