Imagine #37: Meeting Kendork & D-Belt

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Iqra's POV

Heffron Drive > Kendall Schmidt > The Love Of My life.
I'm  going to see him today! I live in Asia and there's  like, a twelve hour time difference between there and America. But the thing is, we're here to visit my aunt and uncle and stay here for a week or two.

At first, I was really pissed. Like two weeks? That's it? But now, I'm  glad we're  here for even a week because just three days after we had got there, Kendall had announced a concert right where we are!

So of course I convinced my parents and they talked to my uncle and aunt and, duh, THEY SAID YES!

I got front row tickets and right now, it was time for the M&G and guess who's  next? ME!

I've been here for like half an hour, and it was so totally worth it.

And then it was my turn! I walked over to him, straightening my tee as I went and smiling my pants off.

You ask where if I'm  alone? No, I'm not. My cousins aren't so big fans of him, so she said she was gonna skip the greet and just sit there on the arena and save us good seats.

"Hey gorgeous!" He smiled. But wait, I went over and hugged Dustin first. Most people dont and are just here to meet Kendall, but I think Dustin is just as talented and very cute.

"Hi Dustin!" I squealed as he hugged back. I smiled at him amd then hugged the hunk next to him. "Hi Kendall!" I squealed and then whispered 'I love you' in his ear. He smiled showing off his dimples. I swear I melted right there.

"I'm Iqra." I told them my name.

"Come again?" They said together.

I laughed. "Iqra." I repeated.

"Unusual." Kendall said.

"Sounds unique." Dustin added.

I laughed again and took out a poster from my handbag and a copy of Happy Mistakes.

"Can you guys sign this?" I asked holding them up. "Sure" they said and grabbed both of the things from me. They signed them amd after staring at their autographs for a while I put them back and looked up to see Kendall smiling at me. I smiled back as the photographer yelled for a photo.

I handed him my phone and stood between the dorks I fell in love with years ago. They put their arms on my back as  put mine on theirs. We smiled at the camera. After that I took my phone back and then turned to him again.

"It was great meeting you guys. Wish  could do it again sometime." I told him, still smiling like a goof.

"What do you mean?" Kendall asked.

"I live in Asia, and you're such a meanie you don't go there. I'm  here for a few days and we'll come back maybe a year or two later." I explained.

"What?!" He practically shouted. "You mean I have to wait a whole year before  see your gorgeous face again?!"

I couldn't help but giggle. "All your fault. " I said.

"Do people know my music there?" He asked.

"No, no. 'Course not. I'm from Saturn." I joked.

He laughed and I died.

"Well, then I'll have to make plans soon." He smiled.

"Really?!" I said excitedly.

"You bet. If a country knows ma music, I'm  there! See ya real soon." He winked just as someone yelled 'Your time's up!'

I looked back and then waved at him again.

"See ya!"

"See ya, Beautiful."



Now if that really happened....

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon