Imagine #43: THIS Is Love

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If I could, I would've written the 'This' in the title in italics. :P


"Hey! Wait, Y/N! Hey, can I have your autograph! Please?!" Shrieked a girl who looked nearly 12 or 13. I smiled down at her. My fans are the sweetest.

"Sure honey! What's your name?" I asked as I signed her tee, which, also, bore a picture of me twirling a hat on my finger and pouting. "Danielle Jones! I'm a huge fan!" She told me. I could feel her shaking with excitement.

"Oh, um...sorry if you mind me asking, but - where's Kendall?" She asked.

Kendall, as in Kendall Schmidt, is my boyfriend. Our fans love us. No, adore us. We've been together for two years, and they have been the best of my life. Right now, I was Christmas shopping with my friend, Britanny, also known as Dustin Belt's, a.k.a Kendall's best friend's little sister.

I laughed a little before answering Danielle. "No, I don't mind. Kendall is in UK right now." I told her, and then suddenly, felt a pang in my stomach. I miss my baby so bad! :(

"Aww, you must really miss him." She said. "I do." I told her.

"Can I take a picture?!" She asked jumping again.  Britanny laughed as we pressed our cheeks to hers and she snapped a selfie.

"Oh my gosh, new icon!!" She squealed. I laughed and waved. "Nice meeting you, Danielle. See ya around." Then we turned around and continued walking when she ran up to us again. "Wait!"

"What is it?" I asked. "I- I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?" I repeated. "D-do you love Kendall?"

"Of course I do!" I told her without even thinking. She smiled and walked away. That was weird....

Brit and I walked down the lane, when she suddenly stopped. "There's someone following us." She whispered. I looked around, and sure enough, a tall, black haired, white skinned, blue eyed guy was standing there staring at me.

Something stirred in my memory, I know I've seen those eyes somewhere before. He smiled at me and walked forwards, holding out his arms for a hug.

Srsly dude? Who do you think you are? A fan maybe... Yeah, fans don't creep out behind you. Kendall's do. But they always give away because they're always screaming their butts off. True. 

"Um, hi." I said as he reached a spot somewhere 2 feet away from us.

"Hey, you're Y/N, right? Remember me? Travis? Travis Kingman?"


"Oh, uh, um..hi." I said uncertainly. What the hell do you when your boyfriend from seven years ago shows up on the streets and asks for a hug? Hug him? Shut up.

"I see you're still mad." H said putting his hands in the pockets of his skinny black jeans.

"Duh, 'course I am. What made you think I'd change my mind?" I snapped.

"Umm, you guys know each other?" Britanny asked.

"Yeah, we dated in high school." He said. Yeah right.

"Travis, please. Three days of being together is not called 'dating'." I rolled my eyes.

"Well - what was I supposed to do? You didn't love me." He spoke.

"How the hell could I love you, if I had just known you one week?" I asked, outraged.

"loved you, still do." He said.

"Yeah, and that is just the reason why you were kissing Ashley under the bleachers." I reminded crossing my arms.

"Look, I've told you before! She was kissing me, I was alone, I needed you, but you didn't give a shit about me and she did! I- I just kinda got lost and let her!" He confessed.

Is that possible? Maybe... But no reason to cheat on me, is it? Couldn't he just- I don't know, tell me what he wanted? He's lying 'cause he wants you back! Well, I'm taken by the best guy alive. You tell 'im girl. 

"You could've just, told me." I said.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"Hey, it's okay. I forgive you." I smiled.

"Really?! So, so- m-maybe you could um..join me for dinner?" He asked hopefully, losing his cool.

SAY WHAT?! How could he even think like that? He's forgiven, that doesn't mean I still don't hate him. Cause I do.

I laughed nervously and glanced at Brit. She was smirking.

"I'm sorry, Travis, but I'm taken." I smiled, thinking of Kendall.

"By whom, may I ask?" He questioned, regaining it. LOL.

"Kendall." I answered proudly. "Kendall Schmidt."

"Ba-who?! That guy from Big Time Rush?! How?!" He looked so taken aback. Haha. And that makes me more mad, because he doesn't even know who I am now. A popstar for Lord's sake!

"Uh, umm excuse me, Travis?" Brit interrupted. "Dont you know where Y/N is right now?"

"Er, finishing college?"

A wave of fury went thorugh me. I am SO done here. "Come on, Brit." I snapped and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from him as tears burned my eyes.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" She asked, once we had gotten far enough. I wiped my eyes. I can't let him invest my memory. I moved on, and I'm not ever, ever looking back. I hate that jerk. How did he even find me?

"Y/N! I'm sorry!" I heard a faint voice. Why can't he leave me alone?!

"TRAVIS, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, I love you Y/N. Please take me back. Dump the blond. He doen't deserve you. I do. I'm really really sorry." He pleaded.

Right at that moment, my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. It said Kenny Bear. I smiled and put the phone on loud-speaker and stared at Travis.

"Hey baby!" His voice yelled out. "Hey, love!" I greeted.

"What's up?"

"Shoppin' with Brit."

"Oh coo-ool! You got me somethin'?!"

I smirked. "Maybe." I teased. I actually had gotten him a a beanie. I know he doesn't wear those anymore, but hey, is there something wrong with trying to bring them back? Fans are always begging him.

He laughed. "I miss you babe."

"I miss you too." I said.

"Uh, so you headed home?"

"Yep. Where are you?"

"I'm visiting Manchester today...wish you were here." I could here the sadness in his voice. Aww!

"Aw, well have fun, baby. And don't forget."


"I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Can't wait to see you again. Hugs and kisses! Love ya! Bye!"

I laughed. "Good bye, Kendall."

The line went dead and I turned to Travis, who's face was hanging in embarrassment.

"This is love."

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