Imagine #47: Blame It On The Mistletoe (Christmas Special)

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Forget the last part. I've got two Christmas specials. Here's one of them. 


I stormed out of my house and into the car after a bad fight with my boyfriend, Max. I am so mad at him. Comes home late, every night, drunk as shit. Then shouts at me for nothing in the morning, and other than that, I'm gonna break up with im anyway, because I think I'm in love with someone else. But that someone doesn't know I like him and as far as I know, he doesn't like me back either. I slammed the door shut and drove over to Kendall Schmidt's house. My best friend of over seven years. He's been by my side my entire life, and probably cares about me more than that piece of dung known as my so-called boyfriend.

I parked my car in the drive-way and got out, breathing in the cold air, and then shivering. I grabbed my present from the backseat and tightened my muffler around my neck. I made my way to the front door and knocked. He invited me to Christmas dinner with his family. Like every year. The door opened revealing Kenneth. Kendall's oldest brother.

He smiled at me. "Hey, sis." He hugged me.

"Hey, Kenneth. How's it going?" I asked.

"Pretty good." He said closing the door behind me, taking my coat and then crossing the hallway to the living room. I followed him to see a beautiful tree, decorated with...EVERYTHING! It looked perfect. Except, the Golden star at the top was missing. And under the tree stood Kendall himself. One hand on his hip the other one holding the star as he looked up.

"Hey Kendall!" I called. He turned around, smiled big and scooped me into his arms. "Oh, I missed you!" He said. "I missed you too!" I told him. I smiled that adorable smile and his eyes beautiful green eyes sparkled. In case you haven't figured it out, it's Kendall whom I'm in love with.

"Hey Y/N!"

I turned around to hug the rest of the Schmidts. They are like family to me and I love them all so damn much. Kendall then turned to me. "Hey can you help me with this?" He held up the last piece of decore. The star.

"Sure what do you want me to do?"

"Get on my shoulders and put this up please?" He asked.

I looked at him. "O-okay." I said reluctantly taking the star from his hand. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up on his shoulder. I felt a chill run down my spine as his chin brushed against my thigh. I put the star on top as Kathy and Kenneth cheered.

He put me down and thanked me. I smiled at him and went to help Mama Schmidt to set up dinner.


Kent, Kathy, Kevin and Kenneth were still in the kitchen. Doing the dishes, putting stuff back whatever. Kendall and I were in th lounge, staring at the tree.

"I'm gonna break it with Max." I told him.

"Really?" Is it just me, or did I really hear hope in his voice. "Why?"

"He- treats me like shit. Comes drunk every night, shouts, and does a lot of other things."

"H-he doesn't hit you, does he?" He picked up my present from under the tree.

"Nope. Not yet, anyway." I told him as she shook it, trying to figurre out what is was.

He opened it, and took out the beanie I had got for him. He made a duck face. "Yeah, I like it too."  laughed. "Where's mine, dork?"

He put a finger on his lips. "Shh."

We sat in silence for a while.



"Come here." He said standing up and bringing me close to the tree. "Make a wish."

I looked up at him. "What?" He asked. "Hey, it's Christmas. Don't be a killjoy."

I shrugged and closed my eyes. 'I wish the dork next to me would like me more than a friend.'

I opened my eyes to see Kendall standing very close to me; smiling softly. He pulled me closer to him by the waist and backed into the wall behind him. He smiled at the ceiling. I looked up and smiled as well. Mistletoe.

I smiled back at him and then I don't know what made me do it, but I leaned up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. I slowly kissed back, pulling me closer to him. I pulled away rested my head in his neck. He rested his on top of mine.

"I love you, Y/N." He whispered quietly. I just smiled and kissed his cheek. Who knew wishes came true this soon?! He kissed my forehead. "What're we gonna tell the others?" I asked.

"I, er, uhmm." He looked around, we were still pressed against the wall. He looked up to where the mistltoe hung and his expression cleared. He looked down at me.

"We'll blame it on the mistletoe."


LOL. That sucked. Sorry for wasting yor time.

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