Imagine #56: Guess The Girl! (Part 2/2)

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You guys are great. :D 


Kendall's POV

"Y/N! You ready?!" I asked my girlfriend excitedly. She brushed the few strand of hair she had pulled forwards to conceil her face, one more time and checked herself out in the mirror- Can I just say she is the prettiest thing I ever set eyes on?

She smiled happily and followed me outside into the yard where Dustin stood ready with his phone. He will Tweet a picture of us, in a discussed position.

"Positions." He commanded, in a professional photographer style. Idiot.

But we did as he told us to. I grabbed her arms and pulled her to me, and rested my forehead on hers. We smiled at each other. I brushed a few strands of her hair back. Perfect.

You couldn't really see her face. Just a few patches of her cheeks. And if you looked carefully, you could see her eyes through the curtain as well.

Dustin faced us from the side. "GOT IT!" He shouted as he took the picture.

We went back inside and got comfortable around the kitchen. Kendall and I were laughing, at the reactions he was getting.

@dbeltwrites: 'Kendall and...Someone' ;) #GuessTheGirl!!!" And the picture he took below it.

Hilarious. I opened my twitter and decided to tweet.

@HeffronDrive: 'Hint: She's a fan! She's friends with a bunch of you.
                        Can't you recognize your RusherSis here? ;)' 

"Very funny, Mr. Schmidt." She said.

"What?" I laughed. She gave me that 'Not-funny' look and I stopped and pouted. She giggled and pecked my lips. I smiled at her.

"Next?" She asked. "Tomorrow." I told her. She nodded, and disappeared outside.

Next pose. What should it be? Tease them? Go easy on them? Haha. No. Get ready...

~ Next Morning ~ 

Pose 2. Her face, once again, hidden beneath her hair, while she kisses my cheek.

I woke up and got ready for the day. After shoving down a quick breakfast, I drove over to Y/N's place to pick her up. I haven't asked her to move in with me yet, but I will. Soon.

"Hey baby!" She greeted as she hugged me tightly.

"Heeyy. I missed you." I kissed her forehead. "Missed you too." She smiled. We had a little nose-fight and then we proceeded to her lounge. I spent the day at her house, cuddling, watching movies, goofing around. And then for dinner, I took her back to my place.

Guess The Girl, picture 2, goes up tonight.

"Hey guys." Mom smiled at us as she saw us on the couch. She was actually in my lap and she quickly got off. I smirked. Ha, she's shy.

I pulled her back on and kissed her softly. She smiled into the kiss. I heard mom chuckle and leave. I pulled away. She smiled, her eyes shining. I nuzzled my face into her neck, and we spent another few minutes in each other's company.

"Come on." I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the window.

"Mom! Picture time!" I yelled over my shoulder.

"Be right there!" She called back. And only minutes later, she was there, ready with her phone. I picked Y/N up and put her on the window ledge and then sat beside her. Risky, I know, because the wood could've broken easily, but we're not that weighty.

Y/N reached up and kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but smile: her touch was so soft. There was a soft click! and the picture was taken. I got off first and then scooped my baby doll into my arms. She giggled and kissed my forehead.

I set her on her feet as my phone beeped to show a Twitter notification from mom.

@ktothe5th: Kendall's girlfriend is honestly the sweetest person alive. :)
                You guys are gonna love her. #GuessTheGirl! 

I chuckled, as my notifications blew up. I scrolled through them and stopped at one. Someone's got the answer right. Some girl named Ashley.

"Hey, Y/N do you know someone named 'Ashley'?" I asked. She nodded, and right at that moment, she took out her phone. "Oh yep. Ash guessed it." She said, showing me her DM's.

'Is that you with Kendall?!?! OMG OMG GIRL, why didn't you tell me???
I'm so happy for ya! ASDFGHJKLSD' 

"Should I tell her?" She asked.

I nodded. She smiled and began to type. Minutes later, a few others guessed as well. And then suddenly, a Tweet from Kevin popped up.

@kevingschmidt: 'Grossest couple ever. #DONTGuessTheGirl :P' and below that, a picture of me and Y/N where we were kissing in my room. Looked like from this morning, and the jerk took it from such a weird angel it looks like I'm eating her face. Ew.

Later That Day

@KennethESchmidt: 'Shut up Kev. #GuessTheGirl' and with that, a picture of me feeding her noodles. That was from 5 days ago, and I didn't feel like getting up to get another fork so I just fed her some with my own, and you couldn't really see her face in that photo either.

I checked my timeline, and most of the people had guessed it right.


"Hmm?" I looked up.

"Just tell them already." She said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Why not?" Y/N asked.

"Well, I don't feel like it yet, and it's fun to see them making wild guesses." I said.

"But they've guessed it." She said waving her mobile in my face.

"Everyone?" I asked, sitting up.

"Mostly everyone I know, yes."

"Okay." I sighed. "That was quick, by the way. I was hoping to tease them more."

She rolled her eyes.

@HeffronDrive: @Y/T/N is my girlfriend. You guessed right!
                        Well played. ;) #GuessTheGirl

"Really Ken?!"

I laughed. "What?"

"I have told them. They've guessed who my girl is. You." I said, putting my arm around her and kissing her cheek.

"I love you." She mumbled into my shirt. DID I HEAR RIGHT?! 

"W-what?" Why the shit am I stuttering?

"I love you." She repeated, looking up.

"I-I love you too, ba-baby girl." I said, and felt my cheeks burn. What is happening to me?

"You do?"

"You guessed right, too!"


Lame ending, I know. :P Vote & Comment and tell me what u think! :D

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