Imagine #33: Silent Treatment

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Kendall’s POV

I parked my car in the drive-way. I got out and grabbed my guitar case and rummaged for the spare key to the house. I walked in and made my way down the hall. I am such a bad boyfriend. The worst. I promised Y/N I’ll be home by eight. It’s ten now. Ugh, stupid album! Couldn’t I have chosen anything else for a career? [A/N: Seriously?]

I chanced a little peak in the kitchen. The sight I saw made me wanna kick myself: a bowl of potato salad, two plates of ham and cheese sandwiches, and a bottle of Sprite were lying on the table. All my favorites, without my favorite girl. I ain’t eatin’. The food hasn’t been touched, so that means she hasn’t eaten anything either. What kind of a human being am I? I’ve been making promises, but always forgetting them for the past weeks, I said I’ll take her to the studio with me last weekend, but I had to rush there early, and plan cancelled. Jerk.

I put my guitar case on the couch and saw Sissy come over out of nowhere. I patted her head. “Good girl. Where’s Y/N, Sissy?”

She barked a little and ran to the stairs and came back. “Is she upstairs?” I asked her.

She barked in an agreeing sort of way. I feel so stupid. I’m talking to a dog. Wait, that’s not stupid. Lots of people talk to their dogs. And Sissy’s not an ordinary dog. She’s…Sister.

Shut up Kendall.

I shook my head, trying to clear it and sprinted up the 20 stairs, taking two at a time. I speed-walked over to our room. “Babe!” I exclaimed as I saw her curled up in the middle of the bed. When she didn’t react, I face-palmed myself. She’s obviously sleeping. Do I really expect her to be up and give me the cheeriest of welcomes when I have hardly seen her all week? No, I don’t think so. I wouldn’t if it were me. But er…she’s not me, so kinda, yeah.

Shut up.

I sat on the bed, leaned over her, hoping, that she’ll be awake, but...nope. Eyes: shut, Breathing: heavy. She looked so adorable even when she’s sleeping. I smiled and apologetic smile, but remembering she’s sleeping, I just planted a kiss on her cheek and got ready to flop down myself.

10 Minutes Later

“Good night, gorgeous.” I whispered as I pulled a warm blanket over us and hugged her close to me. She tensed up a little. I shook my head, exasperated. She’s a good actor, and she’s mad. She has every right to be. I kissed her head and put mine on the soft feather-filled pillow, instantly feeling cozy with my girl and drifting off.

Some time near 11:37 PM.

“Come on, baby, Please! I’ll help you up!” I said.

She looked scared and amused.

“No, please don’t! KENNY!” She yelled as I picked her up over my shoulder and carried her to the beautiful tawny horse waiting for us.

“My neck is cold! I’ll get a headache!” She excused I took the beanie off my head and jabbed it over her head.

“Ha! Come on now, please! Babeeeee.” I begged. She stuck out her bottom lip and looked innocently up at me. I kissed her and she kissed me back. I picked her up and helped her onto the saddle and climbed up beside her.

“Come on, princess.” I kissed her cheek. She laughed.

A turning movement very close beside me, a warm breath hitting my chin, a soft kiss on my lips, and someone snuggling down on my chest, a sigh and then a voice said, “Why can’t I hate you, Schmidt?”

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now