Imagine #101: Snowed

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save me from my self; don't let me drown <3 



Okay, here's what happened.

It was the day before Christmas, and I was craving coffee and was a little lazy, and a little impatient and also a little spontaneous so I decided to walk to Starbucks. In the snow.

It was cold, naturally, but I didn't know what was coming so I didn't bother to be precarious. The outlet was warm and I was really grateful for it's existence. I walked up tot he counter, but there was a girl already standing there, receiving her coffee and brownie. Now, looking at the shiny glaze, and the visually light texture and the absolute rich color made me very hungry for a brownie.

"Yes?" asked the boy called 'Troye' [I'm sorry guys] with curly hair."Um, an almond milk latte and a chocolate brownie." Troye smiled toothily.
"We only have chocolate brownies, sir." He said. I felt my blood rise to my cheeks- which was awesome in terms of the cold. "Name?" Troye asked.
"Christmas Spirit." I said, internally dying. Troye chuckled. "If you say so."

I walked away to the window and watched the snow fall down- slightly faster than the time I'd left my house. "Christmas Spirit!" I heard my food call. 

"We all need it." said the girl curly- no wavy haired girl from earlier. Troye laughed and it echoed around the empty place. The girl, Troye and I were the only people there.

I grabbed my stuff and sat down in a booth away from the door. I pouted and stretched my legs in front of me. I took my time finishing- I was aware of Troye leaning against one of the display cases, looking absolutely bored, but glancing over every now and then. I was also aware of the girl who constantly kept getting messages.

I popped the last bite of the little cake in my mouth and drained it down with the remainder of the coffee. I felt really warm, not to mention toasty. I stood up and dusted my hands off. I looked out the glass door and was definitely horrified at the scene.

It was a a bloody snow storm rolling outside and there was about two feet of snow blocking the door. "Troye!" I called, my voice wavering. "Yes sir?" I pointed outside. Troye's big eyes went rounder in shock. He bit his lip and looked apologetically at me. "I'm sorry sir, but it seems like we're all snowed in. You two can stay here as long as you want. I'll be here too." I shook my head.

"No, no I have to get home. Don't you have to get home?" I asked the girl who was also looking at the snow. She looked at me in a weird way. "Of course I have to get home." She had really light eyes. "Well, do you have a car? How far is you house?"

"Um, it's about two miles from here..." She mumbled, standing up from her seat. She bit down on her lip, and got a worried look on her face. "Troye?" I asked. "Where's your house?"

"Beverly Hills." He said, twisting his hands together.
"Car?" I asked. He shook his head. "How'd you get here?"

"My friend dropped me off." He said shying away. I nodded and gulped.
"Well, you guys can't stay here." I said. 
"What do you mean?" The girl asked.
"It's Christmas! And it looks like it's gonna keep snowing. I don't think it'll go away any time soon. I'm heading home." I told them. "It's only a few blocks. Come with me. Both of you."

"No." Said the girl. "I'll be fine." I had just started to register her face. She had grey eyes with glints of blue in them. "Where will you go?" I asked her.
"Why do you care?" She smiled in an amused way.
"Well, because- it's Christmas!" I exclaimed. "You can't stay in a coffee shop on Christmas. No offense, Troye." I said. "None, taken sir."

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now