Imagine #64: Frozen Heart (Part 1/2)

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Hey peeps! My exams are finally over and this is my 'End-Of-Exams' Special. LOL. And excuse my British accent. Hehe. And just saying, but we all know how much a 19 year-old Kendall looks like Kristoff. :P Enjoy!


I walked along the misty winding lane with my husband to be, Sir Zacharias Effron. The man and I had been engaged for nearly two months and were to be married in one, and yet all the time I had known him, never had any of his charming looks - that had the whole kingdom’s maids and subjects falling for him, attracted me, for I was in love with someone else. Someone, who didn’t belong to a royal background, and therefore him and I could never be together without the family disowning me. And it was he who objected against this. Not I.

“A bit chilly, isn’t it, milady?” Sir Zacharias’ voice spoke out to the street. “Indeed it is, sire.” I replied, not looking up from the grey road.

“Don’t,” He began, “Call me ‘sire’, Y/N, for I do not rule you. I’d rather have you call me by my name.” He told me with a side smile.

“But it was thee, who called the courtesies first, and if you are going to say that you did that because you and I are engaged, forgive me if I making your temper rise, but you and I are not married, and nor will be for another month, and if it was because my family rules the land, your excuse is invalid, Sir Zacharias, for it is my family that does that, not I.” I said waspishly. “And I’d have you call me by my name as well. Thank you.” I added briskly.

This man always seemed to be deciding on what he wanted people to call him.

Sir Zacharias gave me a hard look, that I ignored and we walked on till we came to reach the edge of the Forbidden Mountain. We halted, but Zacharias continued to walk around it, and because I was told to stay with him, there was no walking away. I looked around me, a man was following at us a distance. I smiled to myself before following the Prince again.

We walked through the little snowy lane until Sir Zacharias stopped and let out a low whistle.

Shortly afterwards, there was the sound of hooves coming closer, and the weird noise horses make. Seconds later, a blond haired man, with thick eyebrows and ravishing green eyes appeared, with a rein in his hand that was tied to the white stallion that belonged to Sir Zacharias. The man looked at me with a slight smile on his lips as he handed the reins to the owner of the white horse and he climbed up.

The man’s head was bent against the wind as his hair blew to one side. His eyes still on me, as his hands pretended to rub his lips, while actually trying to cover the smile that was still painted on his pale face.

This man, was Kendall. This man who soled ice in the summer, and worked in the stables in the castle in the harsh winters that hit us every year.

“Thank you, Schmidt.” Zacharias said as extended his hand to me.

Kendall bowed in front of him. “Milord.”

Feeling trapped, for some reason, I took his cold hand and climbed up behind him. I looked reproachfully at Kendall, to see the emotion being reflected back in his eyes. Sir Zacharias clicked his tongue and the horse began to move.

“I’ll see you later.” He mouthed at me. I smiled, and the horse sped up, not giving me a chance to answer him. Looking sadly over my shoulder, I saw his small figure waving at me.

I sighed, and turned back around.


“Sir Zacharias? This isn’t the way to the palace. Where are we?” I asked the tall man that wore a smug smile. He looked grandly at the little town before him. Then, slowly, he looked back. “You realize,” He spoke, turning his back to me again. “That if something happens to you, or you die, all your inheritance is, mine?”

What was he talking about?
“Forgive me?”

“It’s just that you are of no worth to me, Y/N, it’s your father that interests me. Why, besides, would I marry you? No one would, I mean,” A chuckled escaped his lips as he turned around. “Have you seen yourself? You are far from beautiful, not even pretty.” He paused, a smirk frozen on his face.

“I do not want to marry you, and it is pointless to say that you do. It can’t possibly be more obvious that you see nothing in me either, and you don’t want me at all. Well, you see, Y/N, I say we end this, shall we?”

End this? End what? What was he going to do? The tears that had built up in my eyes, now threatened to fall. I knew there was something about this, because no one ever did like me, but this, is something I never could have dreamt of.

“And how fortunate it is, that we are so far from the kingdom that no one can hear you? And even if anyone does, you wretched luck, but golden mine, that you cannot be cured unless…” He trailed off.

Unless what? Without another word, Sir Zacharias pointed his finger at my chest, directly over my heart. His eyes hardened and before I knew it, everything was cold. Cold as ice. My insides seemed to be filling up with cold mercury. My blood seemed to be turning into slush.

Zacharias was now holding something invisible in his hand, something the size of his fist, squeezing it, and at the same time, my chest tightened up, I fell over, screaming in pain: but he was right. No one could hear me. I closed my eyes, lying hopelessly on the cold hard ground, pulling my legs closer to my chest; my heart, that throbbed cold blood thorough my veins.

He had Frozen my Heart.

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