Imagine #90: Interview Baby

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You smiled at the interviewer who sat opposite from you and your husband, Kendall Schmidt. Kendall and you had been married for two years now, in fact, it was just your second anniversary last week. The dark haired woman kept asking questions about Kendall's music and his married life, and with a little additions from you, he kept answering them without a hesitating a bit.

Kendall's arm was around your waist as you sat almost huddled next to him- but that was not what you wanted. You wanted to be just a little but away from him. Not that you guys had a fight or something, but you wanted to be comfy- which you weren't. On usual basis, you would have stayed rigid, and in position, but this was a different case.

Even Kendall himself didn't know about it.

You were keeping a secret from him for the past three months- and it was hard as hell. But that secret was probably the reason why you two were there on the show. It was father's day, and the world wanted to know when our little bundle of joy would join you guys.

The thing was, that Kendall didn't know. He was oblivious to your odd cravings, and the little weight you had gained. Which was a relief to you, because if he had noticed, he would have found out. And that would have just ruined the surprise, wouldn't it?

Oh, the dreaded topic. 

You were ecstatic when you found out you were carrying a Schmidt baby, but on the same hand, you were worried too. What if Kendall didn't want a kid right now? What if he got mad when he found out?

You were still lost in your little bubble of nerves, when the word 'Baby Schmidt' caught your attention. You grinned involuntarily. You knew it was wrong, kind of, to keep a secret, but this was too exciting. You always knew Kendall would make a great father, and it was almost time to tell him he will. Soon. Really soon.

"So, Kendall. Tell us, please, when is Baby Schmidt joining us?" She was asking him. "We've been waiting for  a while. Time to complete the family, don't you think?" She asked with a smile.

Kendall laughed that adorable laugh of his and rubbed your waist, not knowing how comforting it was. You relaxed against him. "No time soon." He said. You smirked.
"Aw, why?" She asked. Kendall just shrugged.

This was getting crazier. Now was the time. You had to tell him. Now.

You bit your lip, closed you eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again.
"Six months." You interrupted.

"What?" Kendall looked down at you, unable to believe his ears.
You got our of his grip and looked from Kendall to Madison, both of whom were looking at you, wearing identical expressions of disbelief. "Kendall," You said, smiling lightly- nervous more than you had ever been. "I'm pregnant."

"What?" He whispered. "You're joking, right?"
You shook your head.

You watched as his expression change from confused to surprise to bemused to surprise again, until he put two and two together and his face finally split into a small smile. He leaned forwards eagerly and put a hand over your belly. He gasped, making you giggle as tears streamed down your face.

"This isn't real." He said shaking his head, but the smile of joy on his face, and the tears of happiness in is eyes, they assured you that you had made the right decision. "It's as real as you or me, Kendall." You said to him.

He looked back up at you with the happiest expression you had ever seen him wear- except for maybe when you had said 'Yes', and cupped your left cheek and left a lingering kiss on your lips, whispering 'I love you's between them. Not caring that the room was full of unknown people, not caring that thousands of people were watching us, not caring that we were in the middle of an interview- and backed away slowly, still smiling.

"I love you so much, baby. Thank you." He whispered, only so you could hear. You licked your lips and smiled out of pure bliss, reaching up to connect your temple with his. "Happy Father's Day."

This felt rushed, idk. :\
Was it cute or not?

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