Imagine #89: Swollen Shoulder

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I kind of hate this one-shot, but since it is the 100th entry, I cannot really bring myself to delete the actual milestone. 


So, practically, this is the 100th entry in this book :')


[PS. I wrote this last year, but thought it sucked, but then the dork banged himself up so...;)]

"Hey!" A really happy voice called in front of you. You looked away from the book you were reading and and smiled at him. "Hey Kendorkestein!" You smirked. He rolled his eyes, took off his white snap-back and ruffled his hair. You laughed, remembering the previous night's events where he was entertaining his fans with pretending to be a Coffee Scientist. Yeah right.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." He said, rubbing his left shoulder. You nodded and watched his non-existent ass disappear upstairs. After maybe half an hour more of reading, you figured Kendall had fallen asleep because he took annoyingly long showers only in the morning when he knew you had to go too. You got up, marking the page in the book, and slipped on your sandals. You were half way up the stairs when you heard him calling your name. Lips curling into a smile, you sprinted up the remaining few stairs and entered the spacious room that you guys shared.

"You called?" You asked.
"Yeah, come here." He said, opening his arms. You smiled, biting your lip because even though 'Come here' is just really an innocent and cute request, but at the same time it sounds so demanding and possessive it made you kinda squirm inside. You sat down on his lap, putting your arms around his neck and kissed him. He smiled and pulled away. "I love you."
"I love you too." You gazed at each other until you moved your left arm to be a little more comfortable - and he winced in pain. "Baby- are you okay?!" You panicked.

"Yeah, just a little - ouch!" He protested softly when you touched his shoulder again. You pulled the light green tee off of him, exposing all of his tattoos, biting our lip again, but gaining control on yourself. You noticed his shoulder which was a light shade of purple.

"What happened?" You asked, cringing at the thought of the pain.
"Nothing." He mumbled.
"Kendall." You said, in a demanding voice, glaring at him.
"I, um, Kinda threw my shoulder at the driving range. It's nothing. I'm fine." He said.
"You're not fine! It's all swollen!" You told him, rubbing your thumb across the swollen part again.
"Oww." He moaned, closing his eyes. You got off his lap and got some pain relieving spray from the First-Aid kit. You went back over to him, frowning.

"Okay, this is gonna be a bit cold." You told him, holding the little bottle over his shoulder.
"Am I gonna freeze over?" He joked.
"Shut up! This isn't funny." You said, shaking the bottle a bit. The pungent white medicine blew out and Kendall closed his eyes tightly. You shoved the shirt back over his head and massaged his broad shoulder. He grabbed your hand and pushed it aside, then put both of his arms around your waist and and pulled you down beside him. You smiled and hugged him from the side, and with the other hand, pulled the covers over both of you.

"Thank you." He said, turning over and facing you. You looked into his dark green eyes and pressed your lips to his for a brief minute. "Anything for you, baby." You whispered. "I love you."


For Gil and Fatima, cuz Gil really wanted to read and Fatima was over excited when I told her I changed my mind. Lol

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