Imagine #4: New Girl

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I was just thinking what it would be like if Kendall wished me a Happy Birthday when I thought, why not another imagine! Hope you like it! Vote and Comment please!


I walked up to the main gates of the college building. It was my first day of college and I was very nervous because I didn't like being the "New Girl".

And besides that, it was my birthday. Imagine having to go to school on your birthday and being bullied by bad boys all day.

I walked up the steps and reached my locker. I took my books for the first class and closed the it. As I did that, I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around.

A boy who looked no older than I was myself, was standing there, he had bright green eyes and dirty blond hair. He was smiling.

"Hey gorgeous" He said

"Hello" I said blushing

"Hey, what are you turning red for?"

"Nothing" I mumbled

"I haven't seen you around before. New?" He asked

I nodded.

"Well see you around, beautiful" he said winking and turning away

I was surprised by the way he was calling me " gorgeous" and "beautiful" because I was neither of those things.

I put that stuff at the back of my brain and moved towards 45 minutes of English.

I reached my class and looked around.

The boy I had met before was sitting there. Unfortunately the only empty seat was in the one in front of him. I sighed and sat down.

"Ooh New Girl!" A big girl said as I sat down.

"Let's see, what's your name?" She asked

"(Y/N)". I mumbled

"Speak up!" She commanded

" Leave her alone Jess!" Said the boy

"And since when have you been a protector of little snot rats, Kendall?"

He stood up.

"Shut up!" He said

"Ooh got a crush on Mrs. New Girl, have you, pretty boy?" Said Jess

Kendall blushed.

The whole class was staring at the three of us.

"What's going on here, then?" Said a calm voice and everyone looked around.

Professor Hugh had arrived (English Teacher)

"Nothing, professor" said Jess innocently

Kendall sat down again.

Professor Hugh introduced me to the class and Jess smirked at me. I felt so shy, I wanted to melt into the earth.

After English, I went to get my stuff for Maths class.

I opened my locker again but at that moment Kendall ran up to me.

"Hey, (Y/N)" he said


"Listen, just ignore Jessica, okay? She just likes making fun of others."

I nodded.

"What've you got next?" He asked

"Maths" I answered

"Me too!" he smiled "Lets go, then"

I walked to Maths with him.

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