Imagine #108: Friends

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short and sad, sorry.


Green somehow had become my favorite color. Indecipherable, how that happened and I couldn't really wrap my head around the thought of green being the pigment I would one day grow to like which was one that I once associated with boogers and swamps. But the only thing green reminded me since the middle of the past June, was nothing but a pair of green irises rounded with brown and dusted with gold.

Too bad they were my best friends eyes.

The worst thing probably was that because of his amazing vocal talents, and his very alluring videos that he posted on YouTube had finally started to receive the attention they deserved and some people had reached out to my very tall friend. Long story short at the end of this school year, Kendall Francis Schmidt would move away from plain old Kansas to sunny new LA.

Perhaps even worse was that you had chosen only this summer to develop a deliciously unhealthy and untimely crush on Kendall- hence the very guarded focus on green irises. To make everything a lot more worse, I couldn't tell him, because now that he was leaving soon confessing would make it worse and even worse if he didn't feel the same way, the few precious days left in his company would cease to exist and Kendall would hate me in memory. 

This just keeps on getting worse and worse.

"You've started zoning out a lot often you know that?" Kendall's voice brought me back to present day in the park on the swings which were initially meant for toddlers. But in our defense it was past midnight and I highly doubt that any four year old would be out of bed at that hour unless they had to pee or something. "Sorry" You mumbled, kicking your legs again. Kendall's sigh was fairly audible. It was a weird kind of silence until he poked my side. I turned to see him grinning that mischievous smirk of his. Then he fake pouted. "Are you really gonna do this to me, Y/N?"

My eyes widened in question. As far as I could recall of the night I hadn't really done anything to provoke him into saying that. But perhaps that is just my subconscious talking and I may have actually done something. "What do you mean?" I asked as he stood up and walked backwards, dragging his seat with him. After reaching as far as his chained seat could go, he sat in midair and let go. I watched as the air whipped his hair back and his eyes further widened with the rush of joy. I copied his movement and soon, we were swinging at the same pace in unison.

"Kendall,- what?" We were silent for a couple more minutes and I stopped kicking my legs before he did. When he came to a halt in the dirt, he lifted his gaze and looked at me. "I'm leaving in a few months." He said, sadness lacing through his tone. "We meet up every single day and every single night, yet we do nothing to make sure-" I snapped my head in his direction. "Make sure what?" I prompted. Kendall's eyes changed in the moonlight, suddenly uncertain. "I mean, we're- we aren't really making any new memories." He trailed off.

I scrunched my eyebrows so hard I feared they may have dislocated. "Where is this coming from?" I asked. Kendall sighed and kicked a stone. He looked back up at me, and I could not interpret what he wanted to say or what was going through his mind. Ten years of knowing him and you'd figure I know what the heck was going on? Wrong, son. "Why do we have to make new memories, Kendall? Aren't ten years worth of them enough for you?"

"You're making it sound like I'm ungrateful for that or something." He said. I grimaced and braced myself for what I was going to say. "Hon, you sure sound ungrateful at the moment." I said skeptically. Kendall looked down and his face was overcome with grief.

"I'm sorry." I said. He shook his head and rubbed the corners of his eyes. "No, really. I didn't mean to say that." I said, regretting ever opening my mouth. My heart dropped to my stomach and I really hated what was happening, but I just didn't get why he would want more.

"Kendall I'm sorry." I repeated. He looked back up and gave a smile through his hardened face. "It's okay. You're's just- it's just that I feel like I'm not done with this place yet." He said slowly. "I feel like I have so much more to give and so much more to take from Kansas. I don't think I'm ready to leave just yet." I pursed my lips, my eyes filling up but I gulped. Now wasn't my time to be sentimental. It was his.

"Look, first off- stop saying that. Sure Kansas has much to give to you, but you're not leaving right now. We still have a couple of months. Right? You have until the end of the school year. Until then we can figure stuff out, and you can give to Kansas what you have to give and w can give you all you have to take."

"But what is it?" He asked frowning. "I keep feeling like something is missing- I thought maybe spending more time with my friends would help, so I'd be loaded up with memories until the next time I'd come back, but...I don't get wrong now, but I don't know if it's working."

"That would definitely be my fault, then." I said, smiling a bit.
"How come?"
"I'm the one zoning out and stuff even though you're here. I just keep thinking about how it would be when you'd leave. I'm going to miss you Kenny." Kendall smiled a genuine smile and stood up. He walked right in front of me and offered a hand. "Until I leave, lets not think about it, shall we?" I  nodded. "Now, may I have this game of Tag?" I laughed and let him pull me up and as soon as I did he screamed. "Ha! Tag, you're it!" And he took off to the Western end of the park. "What the-!?" I voiced my confusion before ran after him. 

The thing about Kendall wall, sure he was tall. Sure he looked all fit, but he wasn't. He was in the school choir and I was in the school's Track team. So, try as he might and however long his legs may be, he wasn't quite as fast as I was, resulting in me catching up with him in a satisfyingly short amount of time.

"Ha!" I shouted in his years. He laughed and heaved gulps of air before wrapping his arms around my shoulder and continue his panting. I snaked my arms around his torso and hugged him, breathing him in.

Then something happened that brings us to the end of this story. Kendall uttered  few words that sent some adrenaline drunk nerves all through me. In the dead of night with the moon now on her path to leave, Kendall whispered "God, I love you" in his more quiet voice. I stood straighter, "Er.. what?" Stumbling suddenly, Kendall face went red and he pulled away from me, smiling and stuttering in a way that I found adorable, but saddening at the same time. "I mean I love in I love you in the most painfully platonic way imaginable." I smiled and he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let me walk you home?" I nodded, and I swear those two words broke my heart a little.


not so short then

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