Imagine #69: Can I Be Yours?

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I walked around the vast courtyard, waiting for my boyfriend, Jack, to finally come. He's a ... I guess you could say he's a bad boy, but he's not that bad, honestly. He's sweet and caring when he wants to be, but if you piss him off, he can turn your world into living hell.

But the thing is, I am not dating Jack because I like him. Okay, maybe I do now, just a little bit, but I have a soft spot for this other guy. And that spot has been there for a really long time. That guy, is Kendall Schmidt, and he just happens to be my best friend.

But sadly, I have no chance with him. Because one, I'm his best friend. Nothing more. And two, he has a girlfriend. Kayslee Collins. She's pretty, blond, a bitch, stuck up, and spoiled. The thing that bothers me most? I saw her cheating on Kendall. Even more sadly, I can't tell him, because he will accuse me of trying to break him, and 'the love of his life' up.

Can't you see you're the love of my life?

Jack finally showed up. Ten minutes till the bell rings, and who was hanging on to his arm? Whispering things in his ears? A glowing smile on her face, was none other than Kayslee Stuck-up Collins. A rage of fury, furious-er than ever, boiled my blood. My boyfriend, even if we weren't a real thing, and Kendall's girlfriend. Even if she was a bitch.

No one should be cheated on. No one, and considering our Star Signs, they both are in for deep shit. Seriously deep shit. Imma kill 'em both. But, Kendall? Kendall's gonna be so hurt.

I stopped my stubborn march and halted, thinking. Those idiots don't deserve my attention. I'm outta here. I turned on my heel and banged my face into a chest. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said, only to look up and see Kendall. Green flannel shirt, green cap, and grey jeans. Dayum!

"Hey cutie. Where are you off to?" He smiled.

"Ken, I -" I said. "Wait, why are you smiling?" I asked him. He smiled wider as we began to walk.

"I'm just happy to see you."


"Where's Jack?" He asked. I sighed and jabbed my thumb behind me. He looked over my head, to the spot where Jack and Collins were standing. I looked up at him. To my surprise, his expression did not change. What, no mourning over Collins?

He looked down at me. His green eyes boring into mine. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry. What Jack and I had, was nothing, and it's your girlfriend that cheated I'm -"

"Kayslee didn't cheat."

"Come again?"

"Kayslee didn't cheat. I broke up with her."


"Because- I-I, realized something."


"I didn't belong with her." He said, his eyes shining of emotion. "She was never mine, and I was never hers. What we had, was never real. When I was with her, everything seemed forced. I was forced to dress fancy for her, always stay at the top of things, even if I didn't want to be, she used me. Like I was her slave or something." He told me.

"I'm- I'm sorry Kendall." I said, biting my lip. But he didn't appear sad at all. On the contrary, he was happy about the break up. And since I didn't care about Jack, I guess everything was okay? There was a short silence until he broke it

"Hey Y/N?" He called my attention. I looked up and before I could reply, he had smashed his lips on mine. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him as his unimaginably soft lips moved above mine, making me unable to resist the urge to kiss back. And I did: cupping his cheek with my hand, my other arm around his neck, I brushed my lips over his, trying to fill the kiss with the love I felt for him, leaving no place for any other emotion so that he knew, how much I loved him: Leaving no place for words. No place for any one else in our worlds. 

The only thing that broke us apart, was the bloody bell. He backed away, and put me down, both of us breathing heavily. His dark eyes looking into mine again as we panted slightly. He put his forehead on mine and took my hand and stroked it gently. "Can I be yours?"

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