Imagine #30: 24! (Birthday Special)

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Finally, the birthday special. :)

I know I said I'd post it earlier but I was so damn busy I didn't have anytime. Enjoy. :)


Your POV

November 2, 2014. Kenny's Birthday. Flashed on the screen of my mobile. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up from my deep sleep, interrupted by the damn alarm. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone from the bed-side table. My eyes flew open as my mind processed the message that continued to flash. I looked to my left, and saw Kendall's sleeping frame. His mouth slightly open and his breathing heavy. As I got up, he moved a little. I stopped dead and waited, like a statue, till he pulled the quilt over his face to block out the sunlight that I previously prevented hitting his face. He stopped moving and I quickly and silently stepped out of the room.

I hurried down the stairs to the kitchen to see Kathy and Sixx, a friend of Kendall's, in the kitchen already making the 'organic' birthday cake. Honestly, they drive me crazy with the organic thing. But still, I love them no matter what.

"The cake is for later, right?" I asked after we greeted each other.

"What?" Sixx asked looking confused.

"Yeah, he's gonna cut/eat the big one with the family later. I'm just gonna take a little cupcake upstairs." I told her as Kathy smiled lovingly at me.

Sixx's expression cleared and she smiled too. "You two are honestly so damn adorable." She smiled. I blushed a little and took a little batter out of the bowl and put it on for baking. Perfect.

We chatted along as the cakes were being baked and Kent and Kenneth joined us.

I cooled the little cake down a bit and added frosting and a little '24' candle. "How does it look?" I asked the others.

"Aww, it's perfect, sis!" Sixx said.

"Can I have a nibble?" Kenneth asked. I glared at him.

I took the birthday cupcake upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed. I removed the quilt from his face. He blinked as the light hit him.

"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Kendork,

Happy birthday to you!" I sang in his ear and he smiled at the little cake I had put in front of him. He sat up and smiled big. "Aww, babe! This is so perfect!" He said and kissed me. He blew out the candle and I fed him the cake. He hugged me again and pulled me into bed again. "Happy birthday , K-Bear." I whispered to him and he gave me another 'bear' hug. I snuggled into his chest. He grabbed his phone and took a quick selfie as he kissed my cheek and I smiled happily. He posted it on instagram.

"24!" Having the best birthday ever with my girl, Y/N! Love you so much babe. Thanks for making me the happiest man alive!

I smiled as the picture instantly started getting likes and comments.

"I love you, Kenny."

"I love you too, baby girl. Thank you for the best birthday morning ever." He said and gave me another quick and sweet kiss and we snuggled down and enjoyed each others company for the rest of the morning.


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