Imagine #31: Last Wish (Part 4/4)

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Hellooo!! How's it going? Okay, so this this is the last part, and the second to last day for me ot win the damn bet. So, pretty please spread the word, and help me get those Reads!! :)


I'm scared. Scared, but excited. Scared, because the operation is in less than half an hour, and excited, because Kendall's here again. He said he'd come, and he did!

He held my hand, though his own fingers were shaking. "It's gonna be okay." He said to me. I just smiled. I was tongue-tied. I couldn't get a word out. It meant so much to me for him to be here when it's gonna happen. He has no idea what he's doing for me right now.

"Hey, wait. Come here." He said taking out his iPhone 6 and taking a selfie with both of us smiling at the camera. Then he posted it online.

@HeffronDrive : "Before The Operation" One more shot at removing the cancer! Let's all pray it                         works, cause we can't lose this girl! #DontLeaveUsY/N :)

"Aww! This is so sweet!" Annie said walking in and looking at her phone screen.

"Hey Annie!" I smiled.

"Hey there, pop-star." She said to me, then turned to Mr. Perfect beside me. "Uh, Mr. Schmidt, Kendall?" She asked.

"Yeah?" He said raising those huge eye brows. She held out a poster. "Can you sign this for my daughter? She's a big fan."

"Oh, sure!" He said and took a marker out of his pocket. Does he always keep that with him?

Annie glanced at her watch. "15 minutes, okay? Your parents will be here in a few. They're just checking out the theatre. You didn't eat anything, did you?" She asked, raising an eye brow.

You tryn'a impress Kendall, Ann? I smirked to myself. "No." I told her. "But I am starving."

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, but just a few more hours, and we'll see.." Her voice trailed off and she left. Mom and dad came inside, looking tenser than I had ever seen them.

"You want me to leave you guys alone?" He asked the room at large. Mom and dad looked at me. I shrugged. Kendall smiled. "I'll leave."

Don't go!

Mom and dad sat down on either edges of my bed. "Are you sure about Kendall?" Dad asked.

I nodded earnestly, widening my eyes. Dad looked at mom, then back at me and got up and joined Kendall outside in the waiting room.

"What's he doing?" I asked mom.

"I think he's talking to your boyfriend." She smirked.

"He is not my boyfriend!"

She laughed. "Okay, okay. He's talking to you friend."

I looked out the little circular window. Kendall, I noticed, was a little taller than dad, and was nodding at something he had said. Then he shook his head, then noodded again. He smiled innocently, and dad stared back. Then after what seemed like ages, dad said something, and then as far as I could make out, said "I'd never do that."

Dad looked satisfied and he and Kendall walked back inside: Both of them looking very happy.

Kendall smiled at me and leant against the white wall, just as Annie came back.

"Lets go, Y/N. It's time." She said, as her voice shook slightly. I felt a chill run up my spine. I looked at mom, she hugged me. I looked at dad, he smiled encouraging and kissed the top of my head. I looked at Kendall. He just smiled.

Kendall Schmidt ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ