Imagine #75: Breathe Your Love

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  • Dedicated to To Everyone Who Supported Me Through All 75

This imagine is based off 'Breathe Your Love' by Jasmine villegas, I go tthe main idea from there, and another Indian song I heard, 'Drown In Your Love', that's why I was asking about the title, and I know the JV song is a bit sad, but that's where the other one comes in. Hope you like it. :)


 Kendall's POV

"Babe!" I sang gaily, entering the house, grinning. A head poked out from the door at the end of the hallway. Y/N grinned back at me and stepped out, speed-walking, almost running, over to me and jumping into my arms. I smiled into her hair as I pulled her legs around my waist and spun her around.

"Hey love." She whispered, pressing her lips to mine. Her eyes twinkled as she pulled away and got off of me, and took my hand. "Where to?" I asked her.

She just smiled and began to walk back to the last room. We barely use it. It just had some spare clothes in the closet and old albums. It's more like a store-room.

"Guess what I found!" She excalimed opening the door.

"What?" I asked, smiling down at her, feeling my chest swell with happiness. I don't know why I always feel that way when I'm with her. She just...makes everything better.

Her smile, her laugh, her eyes.

Feeling contented, we entered the room, and I saw an album propped open on a spindly table.
"What's this?" I asked, sliding my hand over the dusty cover.

"It's the album we made! Two years ago, don't you remember?" She asked, frowning.
"Two years ago?!" I choked.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her tone changing as she pouted, wrapping her arms around my waist. I returned the hug, looking down at her.

"It's not possible." I said.
"Why not?" A tear falling from her eye.
"Baby!" I exclaimed, immediately wiping it off. 

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