Chapter 27

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"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." She said, pursing her lips together. She folded her arms and looked at me up and down.

"I would say so myself but cats don't drag in garbage." I said rolling my eyes. "And I see you have a little scar on your nose. Hmm, I wonder who did that." I said sarcastically, placing my finger on my chin, and pouting.

"You know, I feel sorry for you." She said.

"Sorry for me?" I asked, laughing.

"I mean, you're just a pathetic little girl, who thinks Luis is in love with. News flash." She snapped her fingers. "Wake up and smell the roses, because he will never love you." She pointed her finger at me.

"You came to warn me about my man?" I asked.

"Don't you get it, he's not 'your' man! You are honestly a psycho if you believe he will fall in love with you." She spat.

"I don't believe. I know." I said before walking off.

"Then explain the wedding. Explain how you confessed your love and he looked at you like a joke." She exclaimed. I turned back around and was face to face with her.

"Leave me and my husband alone." I muttered and turned and stormed off. She laughed in the distance. I rushed to a dressing room, threw my dress in, and had an emotional breakdown.

I then purchased the dress and headed to the hotel.

"Nicole, you're late. We're late." He said as I came in. He was fully dressed.

"Sorry, I guess I lost track of time." I said.

"Okay, what's wrong now?" He asked. He knew me so well.

"Nothing's wrong." I stripped down to my bra and panties and pulled over the dress. "Zip?" I asked him as he zipped it up. I placed two diamond earrings in my ears and hooked the matching bracelet and necklace.

Applying red lipstick, I then put black eye shadow.

"Something's gotta be wrong. Tell me, babe." He said as I applied blush.

"I'm telling you nothing is wrong. I don't wanna talk about it." I admitted.

"So something is wrong." He pointed out.

"Pick out a black handpurse and it's nothing. Just a small confrontation." I reassured as he searched for the purse. I quickly put my hair in a bun and added a red rose in my hair.

"Here." He passed me a black purse. I put my phone in it and placed my red heels on. "Let's go."


"Just tell me a little of what's going on in your little head." He said as he got in the car. As we began to drive, I spoke.

"Fine if you wanna know so badly. I ran into Hailey." I said before he put the car to a halt. My head jerked forward. "Luis! What the hell?"

"What'd she say?" He asked.

"Luis we're going to be late for the party." I said trying to change the subject.

"What'd she say?" He repeated.

"Why does it matter so much?" I asked him.

"Because." He started.

"Because what?" I asked.

"We are seeing each other again." He breathed. I stood there in the car processing what just happened.

"Oh." I said, blinking to keep the tears away. I thought he was over Hailey! How could he do that?! I thought he loved me.

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