Chapter 69 - Stuck on Bed Rest

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I woke up the next morning to an unfamiliar room. Then, I realized I was still in Kayla's guest room on bed rest. As I got up, I noticed my phone was on the nightstand and a change of clothes and towels were folded on the corner of my bed. I checked my phone and saw a few missed messages and notifications, but those didn't matter. I needed to know what was happening with Luis, Platinum Records, and our house. I called Luis but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed as I headed to the bathroom that was in the guest room to showered and changed my clothes. As I came out to go back to bed, Kayla was in the room with her son Kayson in her arms.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." She greeted as I got back in bed.

"Where's Luis?" I asked.

"Still at the house." She replied.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Like the entire day. I think eight or nine hours?" She said in an unsure tone.

"I think I should go to my house. I forgot something." I lied as I tried getting up, but Kayla stopped me.

"No way girl. When Luis Jones holds your shoulders and says don't make my wife leave I listen. Even if you are my best friend, I'm under strict rule to not even let you leave the bed." She said as she cuddled with Kayson in her arms who was fast asleep.

"I need Luis though. He's not answering his phone." I whined.

"He'll call when everything is situated. There's no need to worry about him. Just worry about you and your baby." She said in a soothing voice.

I sighed. "Ugh, fine you're right." I rolled my eyes before getting comfortable in the bed.

"He did stop by like an hour ago and left you with those clothes and your phone." She added.

"He should have woken me up." I mumbled which caused Kayla to laugh.

"I'm making dinner, I'm sure you're hungry." She said.

"I'm not." I lied.

"Luis also told me that you may pretend you aren't hungry and to feed you anyway. Also, I'm your best friend, you have that 'I'm hungry' face." She said as she left. She came back with some food for me to eat. She sat down beside me and we were able to catch up.

"So, no baby shower?" She asked.

"No. I was thinking of planning one but I just lost track of time. If I were to plan one now I'd probably go into labor. My due date's in two weeks." I said.

"Oh please those due dates are a myth. You never give birth on your due date." She said.

"Didn't you give birth a day after yours?" I asked, which caused us both to laugh.

Then the front door rang. "I wonder who that could be." She said in a sarcastic voice before getting up to get the door. A few seconds later, Luis came in. He looked exhausted but happy to see that I was up.

"Hey." He said as he hugged me before sitting on the bed. I leaned over to him and began to kiss him. God, I missed him so much.

"I missed you so much. Why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked as I held his face.

"I didn't even get a chance to check it." He said.

"Tell me what's going on. I want details." I demanded as I kissed him again. Luis looked so exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was messy, and he had a droopy look on his face. Thankfully, he changed his clothes, so I knew he at least showered.

"Okay. Well, first I called the police. They were no help at all. They did a quick sweep of the house to look for evidence but they said there was nothing they could do. Even though there's video footage from surveillance cameras, you as a witness, and the fact that I'm missing over thirty awards, they can't do anything." He said, sounding annoyed.

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