Chapter 40- My 18th Party

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(Luis's POV) 

As I opened my eyes the next morning, I stared at my ceiling. My hand stretched to the bed, and it was empty. "Oh yeah.." I said, feeling my heart break. I checked the time, 9:30 am. The date was December 27th, aka Nicole's party- I mean Hailey's party. Nicole was really gone. 

I heard the front door open. I jumped up and ran out of my room downstairs. "Nicole?" I called out, but was disappointed it wasn't her. "Oh, it's you." I said, as I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch.

"Well, that's no way to welcome your sister." Lianne said, laughing. 

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" I asked.

"Busy with what? Being all sad that you got dumped?" She teased.

"She told you?" I asked, embarrassed. 

"Of course. We had a little crying session, pigged out with ice cream and pizza, and then she went to sleep. You're a jerk of a husband by the way." She said.

"Well, in exactly midnight tonight, I won't be." I said with a smile, but I wasn't happy. "Again, what are you doing here?" I repeated.

"Nicole said she forgot her dress for her party tonight, so I'm picking it up." She said, as she walked upstairs to what once was Nicole's room and picked up a black dress. "Found it." She said. 

"Wait, Lianne." I said, as she stopped. "I need my sister... just to vent." I said. 

"Ughh." She said, before turning around and looking at her watch. "Five minutes, I really got to get back to Nicole." She said, before she sat on the couch next to me. 

"I love Nicole." I started.

"I know you do, bro. I also know that Hailey's pregnant." She added. I gave her a look. "Okay, sorry, continue." She added, getting the hint.

"I really wish she wasn't. That's the only thing that's stopping me from being with Nicole. That and Eddie. Last night, I.. I tried straightening things up last night, but he stopped me." I confessed.

"Are you even happy Hailey's pregnant?" She asked.

"No- I mean... no, I'm not. I want to have a baby, but not so soon, at least not if it's not Nicole." I said.

"Why don't you... ask Hailey to get an... you know." She said, nervously.

"An abortion? No Lianne. For me to ask of that would just make me selfish." I was appalled she even thought of that. If I were to ask Hailey, and the reason was because I loved another woman, it wouldn't be right. As much as I didn't want Hailey and her being the mother of my kids, I couldn't ask her to get rid of it. 

"Look Lianne." I started. "When you see her today... tell her.. I'm sorry things had to end like this." I said. "Tell her thank you for making these last few months something special. She's nothing compared to Hailey, she made everything better. My music was better, my singing was better, my everything was better with her." I said, sighing. 

"Wow, you really love Nicole." She said. I nodded. "Well, I'd better get going." She said, rubbing my back. 

"Wait, give her this." I pulled my wallet out my pj's pants. 

"You sleep with your wallet?" Lianne asked, laughing.

"Here." I said, ignoring her comment and giving  her my credit card. 

"What? You're giving her your credit card?" She asked shocked.

"I have enough money, and I know she has no idea what she's doing after tonight. Just so she'll be on her feet. I know money can't thank her, but give it to her." I insisted. 

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