Chapter 1- Baby Talk

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Hi Guys, I'm super sorry, I think  Wattpad had a glitch and uploaded this chapter unedited and unfinished! So, sorry for any confusion! Anyway, please reread this chapter if you already have! Another thing, I accidentally said that Nicole was 22, Luis is 22, and Nicole is 20. 

"What's with this baby talk of yours?" I asked, confused . My husband just out of the blue wants a baby? I was still on the kitchen counter with my hunk of a husband's ripped abs in my face and my half buttoned shirt.

"Nikki, we have been married for two years. Four years to the entire public. I... I want a little Luis or little Nicole running around." He said excitedly. I couldn't help but smile.

"How long have you been feeling like this?" I asked.

"Ever since we got married. Having babies was always on my mind with you. But I guess, seeing that Kayla and Eddie having their little family, I guess I want one too." He confessed, slightly looking away from me because he was so nervous. "What do you think?" He asked me.

"Well..." I started. How do I tell my husband that I'm not ready for kids and that I want to focus on my career without sounding like a total ass. "I do too." I said. I could see the joy in his eyes. "Butnotrightnow." I said quickly. Instantly, his expression deflated, the joy was gone and filled with sadness.

"Oh...well.. It's okay. I shouldn't just spring this idea to you and thought you would have went along with it." He said, disappointed. I instantly felt bad. Did he really want a baby that bad?

"I'm not opposed to the idea." I started. "Just... Work and your career, like what happens if you go on tour?" I asked.

"I wouldn't go on tour anymore then. You're more important." He said simply. I gave him a skeptical look. He's saying that now, but if he ever told his manager to cancel an entire tour, the record label would drop him so quick. And I wouldn't want to be the reason he stops doing what he loves.

"Do you even know anything about parenting?" I asked. He then gave me a look.

"Do you?" He asked me. Damn, come to think of it, I didn't know anything about parenting. I didn't answer. "Exactly, we're both on the same boat, so we can do this together." He said optimistically. I shook my head.

"Can we talk about this later? Preferably an hour later, while we're upstairs in our bed. You kinda got me started." I said with a wink. I then seductively unbuttoned the rest of my shirt and threw it on the floor, exposing my black laced Victoria Secrets bra. He couldn't help but laugh as he picked me up, carried me up the stairs, and gently placed me on the bed. He got on top of me and kissed me as I rubbed his back. I knew sex would get this whole baby thing off his mind.

***(One Hour Later)

"Wow, amazing." I said as we heavily breathed. Our hair was ruffled, the bed sheets were undone, and I laid beside my naked husband who was looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, amazing." He agreed, as he turned to me. "You know what else is amazing?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Having kids." He said to me with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"This is still on your mind?" I asked.

"Sex is what makes babies. What you thought us having sex would make me rethink having kids? In fact, it just makes me want them even more." He said. Damn, my idea to seduce him into forgetting this whole baby thing failed.

"Luis I-"

"No wait let me finish. Nicole, I know we haven't really talked about kids, but I've wanted a child with you for quite some time. Remember that whole Hailey situation with her lying about being pregnant?" I heavily breathed. Just hearing her name gets me upset, still. "I was so upset that it wasn't you." He said. My eyes widened. Really? "And remember Kayla and Eddie's wedding when I found that pregnancy test and thought it was yours?" He asked.

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