I Know Things Now.

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Credit of the fight scene goes to Full-nite .


Oliver came at me with his knife raised. I deflected it easily with mine.

"That was a pansy move. You can do better than that." I blew air over the tips of my knives. My smirk widened while Oliver grimaced.

"I suppose we should just get this over with, I wouldn't want to keep Em waiting," he looked at his finger nails like a bored teenage girl.

Without waiting I lunged. I aimed for a straightforward stab to the heart but Oliver moved in a blur, seemingly materializing behind me and digging his elbow into my back. The force from the blow dropped me to my knees. He raised his knife to stab me in the back. I elbowed his left knee, giving me enough time to jump up. I punched him across the face, leaving several deep gashes on his cheek. He glared at me with pure hate. He jumped to cut me or at least mortally wound me but I could move as fast as he. I stopped him in his tracks with a shallow stab in the stomach. Angrily Oliver pulled back, clearly he was sick of losing to me. With a look of disgust he moved with such agility, landing a kick to my stomach. I stumbled backwards and fell onto my back. Oliver quickly pinned my arms to the ground.

"I win." He smiled at me as he raised his knife. I smirked and started laughing insanely, "What? What's so funny?"

"You can't win!" I managed through my fits of insane laughter.

"Why not?" Oliver glowered down at me.

"Because you're failing to notice the pipe that's about to connect with your head." At that moment the sound of metal hitting skull resonated throughout the space. Oliver's eyes went wide, then slowly drooped and he fell over to the side, unconscious. Russia stood over him, glaring down at his fallen opponent, "Well that was fun."

"Fun!?" Romano gasped, "You call nearly getting yourself skewered by one of those freaks FUN!?"

"Of course I do. Especially when you know that they can't win. Not against us." I pointed at my heart, "Now that I've had my fun I should let Natalie take back over. She hates it when I take control too long." I closed my eyes before opening them again. I was in a completely white room, wearing all black. I plopped down on the bed and covered my eyes. I couldn't help but grin at my victory over Oliver. Just one step closer to my revenge on Emeilia.


I woke up in Russia's arms again. This needed to stop happening. He set me down before asking me a question.

"Who is Valkyrie?"

"Valkyrie?" At first I was confused but then it hit me, "Oh Valkyrie."

"Wait so you actually know about her?" Kansas asked with a shocked expression.

"Well yeah, how do you think I got the ability to summon any weapon I want?" I put my hands on my hips and shifted my weight from my right foot to the left one.

"When did you....you know meet?" England leaned forward.

"A little after I'd joined the axis. I met her in a 'dream' really. She told me she could help me, and we had a very long conversation that ended in her giving me the ability to summon any weapon I wanted." I sat down on a piece of concrete and began messing with my hair, "I haven't really experimented with it yet but I'm pretty sure it means every weapon in existence."

"So even like an atomic bomb!?" Sealand asked excitedly. England hushed him quickly. I shrugged.

"I guess so. I wouldn't do it but I think I could." I closed my eyes, which was my first mistake. I didn't see Oliver peel himself from the ground, but I did hear the shot. My eyes flashed open just in time to see Romano crumple to the ground, clutching at his arm. I jumped up and ran over to him, "Romano! Romano are you okay?"

"Okay? Of course he's not okay you idiot!" Ai came around a corner with his own gun. I summoned my twin pistols and pointed one at Ai and the other at Oliver. Oliver scanned the group, his eyes coming to rest on every one of us for a second. I was so focused on him that I neglected to watch Ai. Suddenly Kansas and Oklahoma were both jerked back.

"Kansas!" England and I shouted together. Ai smirked and then they were gone. England dropped to his knees and started sobbing hysterically. Sealand's eyes were wide, never before had he seen his big brother break down like this. I'd never seen him break down like this. I just stood there, the reality of the situation hitting me. At the same time I felt a piercing pain in my chest. I clutched at the area, struggling to breath.

"How long has it been since we started searching?" I choked out.

"Two...hours..." China covered his mouth in horror. I felt the pain in my chest increase and my legs give out from under me.

"I'm so sorry Kiku....I'm so so sorry." I whispered as tears fell down my face. There was this energy that was welling up inside me, I just needed to get away from everybody, "I..need to be alone." Then I took off in a random direction. Suddenly the energy released and a purple shock wave flashed before my eyes. It was only there for a second, and I wanted to see if I could do it again. I put my hand out and tried to focus my energy into that. It didn't work the first couple times I tried, but around the fifth or sixth time I was able to get it to flicker just a for a millisecond. Even that was able to make me feel just a little accomplished. The pain in my chest had ebbed and I felt calm enough to return to others.

The glint of sunlight on metal caught my attention. I ran over to it, hoping...no praying that it was the computer. And for once my prayers were answered. I didn't waste anytime in opening the computer, accessing the Skype program and clicking on E.

I was connected just in time to hear a bang and Kiku's scream.

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