Bad Intentions.

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Ae gulped and stepped backwards, fear shining in his eyes. Again I felt that odd yearning to see more. What the hell was happening to me?

"So, are you gonna get us out of here or not?" Habit chuckled, pulling out his own knife, "Cause I think we laid out our terms pretty well."

"F-fine. We'll take you out of the forest." Ae growled, turning and grabbing Jae by the back of his shirt, "Just...follow me and don't try anything funny." Then he began to walk in the direction we had just been going in.

"I wouldn't call it funny if I were you." Valkyrie pressed her lips into a fine line, "I must go back into Natalie for the time being but remember that at the slightest hint of a threat to her I WILL take over." She glared at the back of his head and I could see him shiver. Then she took ahold of my wrist and in all honesty it looked like she melted into me. Just being there one moment and then not the next.

"I get it I get it!" Ae threw his hands up in the air in mock surrender, "If I threaten her you'll kill me!"

"Damn right I will." I huffed, staring down at the scissors in my hands. How did I know how to access that power? What even WAS this power? Why did I pretty much go insane while using it? I guess I'd figure this out in time, "Hey Ae, I have a question."

"W-what is it?" The way he flinched and cautiously turned his head made me smirk again.

"How completely frazzled is Em right now?" I stretched and yawned as if to show that I was completely at ease even though the slightest move to betray us made me a bit high strung.

"To be honest...a lot." Ae looked down at the ground, "She feels that she's losing her grip on everything." Then he glared back at me, "And that little stunt you did back there isn't helping!"

"Why do you actually care about her or something?" Hawaii snickered, staring smugly at him.

"Well, you have your people to protect Nebraska and Em has hers." He sounded so emotionless that I nearly felt sorry for him. NEARLY.

"I don't need to be protected." Even as I said this I felt just the slightest twinge deep in my gut, "I can handle myself." Ae sighed.

"That's what she says too. But honestly without us she wouldn't be able to have grip on reality. She'd probably be just like Kae, locked up in her room and clawing at the walls."

"Kae?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Our version of Kansas."

"Kansas locks herself in her room anyway....only she just watches Doctor Who and Sherlock and once the entire Twilight series just to make fun of it.." Hawaii looked lost in thought for a while. I noticed the heavy feeling was beginning to get lighter, the trees getting a little less intimidating.

"We're getting close.." I whispered. Just then the heavy feeling came back full force on my chest, making the air rush out of my lungs and my legs give out from under me. Russia swiftly reached down and picked me up, holding me tightly to him like some delicate doll.

"What happened?" Ae asked curiously. I glared at him and struggled to take a breath to respond.

"None....of your.....damn busi...ness..." I managed. A parking lot was able to be seen from the path we were on, "Just get us out...of here..." Our group sped up, the minute Russia stepped out of the forest with me in his arms I felt the weight fall away and pure air fill my lungs. I felt my eyes fall shut for moment, I was exhausted for reasons I didn't know. I'd felt this way when we'd gotten out back during World War Two. We'd made a pact afterwards: tell no one of this place and forget this all happened. The other four seemed to do the last part pretty well...but I was plagued by nightmares for weeks. They were all the same.

It would start out as we walking down a brightly lit hallway but as I passed what must've been the middle suddenly the image of blood coating the floor would flash before my eyes. I would stumble back, tripping over something and landing in something wet and sticky. I'd look down and see I'd landed in pool of blood. I'd glance behind me and see a two men in a bloody heap next to me. I didn't recognize either of them. One had short, straight black hair styled in an undercut, as well as narrow, dead looking grey eyes with dark circles under them. He wore a strange outfit:  a black suit, plain white shirt, cravat, and dress shoes. There seemed to be stab wounds all over his body. The other had blonde hair that was parted on the left side and once again dead looking blue eyes. He wore a long black trench coat with medals all over it. He too seemed to have suffered the same fate as the other man, having numerous stab wounds as well. I would stare down at the two of them and shake my head in horror, tears would start rushing down my face. I'd hunch over and scream, though no sound would come out. Now that I look back there would never be any sound at all. As I'd silently scream I'd gather the black haired man in my arms and hold him close. Afterwards I'd wake up gasping and sweating in my bed with Japan leaning over me worriedly. I told him of the dream one night when I couldn't help it, he tried to help me figure out who these men were but....I'd never seen them before in my life.

I opened my eyes just as Russia's arms let go of me and I fell to the ground.

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