Welcome To Freddy's

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I flew through the air, laughing as the hair was pushed out of my face. I closed my eyes for a second but in that second a flashing image caused my eyes to flash open again. It was a bloodstained baseball cap. I laughed more as I realized just what Valkyrie was trying to tell me. Soon the others came into view. As I came in I pondered how I would explain our next move. The rope disappeared the moment I let go of my hanger and rolled onto the ground. As I hopped to my feet I couldn't keep the smile from my lips.

"So...now what?" Romano asked. He was still clutching at his arm, blood oozing it's way out of his fingers.

"I have an idea of what to do...and who to contact." I searched the inside pockets of my outfit in hopes of finding some money or better yet my phone, but all I found was a flashlight (how did that get in there!?) and a some headache medicine that was waaaay past it's due date.

"Who?" Hawaii leaned against the ark thing and started messing with her hair.

"You guys probably don't know him. Valkyrie isn't the only one who is like how she is. I've talked with the guy and while he is pretty much insane he's very reliable." I picked up a rock and chucked it into the sea.

"What's his name?" Canada leaned forward in interest. I couldn't keep that smirk off my face as I said his name.



Italy was a very interesting nation. The fear emanating off him was different than the others. It felt.....like it was linked with something. It irked me that I didn't know who or what it was linked to, and I was determined to find out.

"So...Feliciano...who are the most important people in your life?" I asked, pressing my knife to his throat.

"W-why are you asking me that...?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Just curious. Not like I'm going to hurt them or anything I just want to know." I shrugged and pulled away.

"Well...there's Romano...and Germany...and I guess Grandpa Rome...Holy Rome...and...and..that's it I think." He seemed to ignore his pain and seriously think about it. I wondered how this poor pathetic excuse of a country could do this when Japan couldn't. Maybe experimenting with different victims would prove more interesting than I thought. I stabbing the knife into his hand before turning away and grabbing my gun.

"Oh dear it seems that our time has run out. Better get you back to your Germany huh?" I placed the barrel of the gun against one of his knees. Italy's eyes went wide and he started to struggle, "If I'm correct the next nation to be taken into my custody is your brother."

And then with an insane grin, I pulled the trigger.


"Wait...his name is HABIT?" England looked like someone had just handed him a baby and said, 'this is your child.'

"Yeah. That's what he calls himself." I nodded as we walked along the beach.

"Why does he call himself that?" Sealand ran in front of us and began skipping backwards.

"No clue." I shrugged, "So...anybody got any ideas of how we could get to New Jersey?"

"Why there?" Russia asked.

"That's where he lives. I don't have my phone, most likely because the 2ps stole it, and no way to get us out of here." I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. When I opened them again I nearly tripped over a log that was laying across the sand, "What the?"

A Little Bit Of Prairie: Hetalia FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now