I'm Insane.

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I huffed and spun around in my chair again. Oliver stood off to the side, leaning against the wall.

"Why is she back?" I asked.

"Heck do I know, all I know is that she's hell bent on getting her revenge." Oliver shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Very helpful." I leaned back in my chair and watched the camera's looking into the hostage room, "Should I take a break from Japan or not?"

"That's one thing that's entirely up to you." Oliver closed his eyes and smiled, "Though if you do, can I give a suggestion?"

"Suggest away." I answered flatly. He smirked and opened his eyes.

"Well I have two suggestions actually...."


I was floating around a dark space. It's the place I go to whenever Valkyrie takes control. The darkness seemed alive and and constantly shifting around me. My limbs were heavy and stiff. In this place I could see what was going on anywhere in the world. I had a nagging worry in my chest about Japan...and Alfred....I spread my hands out in front of me and breathed out. Ice crystals swirled around me before shooting out and forming a mirror in front of me. A shimmering fog covered the mirror.

"speculo speculum in aere facies mihi et Americae eleifend." I chanted. The fog cleared up, letting me see them. Japan was laying unconscious on a bed with Alfred, Germany, and Italy close by. I pressed my hand against the glass, choking back tears. Alfred was smoothing Japan's hair back like I used to, I couldn't help but smile. Italy's shoulder looked okay, but I knew from experience that if not treated it would get infected. Which reminded me to treat Romano's arm when Valkyrie let me back in control. I was glad that everyone....well not everyone....most were unharmed. There was a shift in the shadows in the background and Alfred and Germany put themselves protectively in front of Japan and Italy. Alfred was shouting something...I needed to hear what, "Audire cupio quid loquantur." I whispered. I only caught the last few words of what Alfred was shouting.

"-on't let you take him again!" There was a chuckle that I quickly matched to Ai.

"Good cause I'm not here for him." He stepped into view, he was holding one of his knives in his hand. Judging from the empty place on his knife belt, it was one of the smaller ones. A scalpel at least.

"Then...who?" Texas, (of course the glorious idiot got himself caught.) also stepped into view, inching behind a frozen France.

"I didn't quite hear a decision...but from what I heard there were two candidates." Ai struck a mock thinking pose and I rolled my eyes.

"Who were they?" Germany asked hesitantly. Ai answered with a smirk.

"Just a little Italian and certain Hero."

I felt that pain in my chest return as the shimmering mist hid them from me. The pain grew and grew to a point where I couldn't take it. The mirror shattered as I cried out and curled into myself, clutching at my heart.

"Natalie!" Valkyrie's voice reverberated around the space, "Are you alright talk to me!"

"I-I'm fine....it's nothing. Can I please take control now?" I looked up at what would be the sky but was only more black space.

"I guess so...but be careful. They're plan is more diabolical that you think." After that I closed my eyes and grabbed a hold of something. When my eyes opened I saw that I'd been holding onto a metal pole at the top of a building.

"That's weird...now what was Valkyrie looking at?" I asked myself.

"Fifteen kilometers away is Nagasaki. We need to get off this island in order to throw the 2ps off." Valkyrie explained, "I've been setting up a line of magic that'll act like a rope that you can zip line on. All you need to do is get the others and find some hangers."

"Well finding hangers shouldn't be a problem..." I muttered to myself as I started climbing down the side of the building, "Is it going to kill us if we fall or something?"

"A) you can't die. B) It'll keep you on there until about a hundred meters from shore."

"Oh...okay so this'll be easy...I guess." I shrugged and slipped inside a window of one of the buildings. Then I ran throughout the island, ignoring the growing pain in my left leg. I couldn't hold in the smirk of triumph from placing itself on my face.

I knew how to get out of here.


"Let him go!" I struggled against Ae's hold as Ai strapped down Italy to a metal table.

"Shut up." He snapped before walking away. Em circled around us with a jagged knife in her hand, as if deciding who to stab first. That unfortunate individual was Italy. She raised the knife and quicker than I thought possible she brought it down in his stomach. Italy's eyes went wide as he screamed, "Stop! Don't hurt him!" I tried again to get out of Ae's hold but he was too strong. Em turned towards us.

"Take him back to the cell I don't need him just yet." She commanded. The last thing I saw before being dragged out of the room was Em yanking the knife out of Italy's stomach.


"Guys! Guys I know how to get out of here!" Nebraska shouted as she came closer to us.

"What? How?" Sealand asked curiously.

"Valkyrie set up a line of magic that will let us basically zip line our way out of here!" Nebraska picked up a hanger and handed it to me.

"What's this going to be used for?" I turned it over it my hands, a little apprehensive of this plan.

"You need something to zip line on don't you?" Hawaii picked up another hanger and bent it so that it would fit over a rope and wouldn't fall off.

"Oh..that is genius aru!" China picked up his own hanger with a slight smile on his face. England nodded and picked up one, but his face stayed gloomy and sad.

A few minutes later we were standing on top of a roof looking with awe at a rainbow ray of light shooting from a metal pole off into the distance. It shifted it's colors in place, looking mostly see through but still seeing where it was.

"Who's first?" Nebraska asked.

"Uh...I guess I'll do it..." I hesitantly stepped up and linked my hanger with the rope. Then I took a deep breath and pushed off. The sudden lack of ground beneath my feet threw me off for a couple seconds but something held me on as I shot through the air at breakneck speeds. Before I knew it Hashima was a small dot on the horizon and Nagasaki was looming up close. I could see where the rope was tethered, up on one of those ark things that I never remember the name of. I hit the ground and rolled, earning some scrapes and bruises. I staggered to my feet, feeling a little victorious. I pumped my fist in the air like Alfred would and gave a shout of joy.


Soon everyone but Russia and I had gone.

"You should go first. I don't want to hold you up." Russia gestured towards the rope. I smiled and shook my head.

"You aren't holding me up. If anything your pushing us along now go before I push you on that thing myself." I giggled. Then I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his coat, "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked, a little alarmed at the sudden hug.

"Being there for me." Then I let go of him and smiled. He linked his hanger on the rope and turned to me.

"And thank you too, for being my friend when no one else would be." Then he pushed off and was gone. My thoughts went back to the Cold War and I shook my head and the thought of it all. Once I was sure that he'd made it to the other end I hooked up my hanger to the rope. I glanced around with a smile before pushing off with a shout,


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