Beauty Will Rise

212 3 1

September 11th, 2001


I spun around in my chair one more time before stopping and resting my head on the table. I was the only person there because I'd come to New York with America. Which also meant getting up to go to the States Meeting at this ungodly hour. This time the meeting was being held in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The World Meeting was not that far away in the U.N building.

I checked the clock for the millionth time, 8:03, "Ug. People had better get here soon." I inwardly groaned.

Before long states began arriving. First New York, then Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, and everyone else. Like usual I was ignored by almost everybody. And I liked it that way. I could get away with slipping out of the meeting and going to the observation deck of the South Tower. And around 8:40, that's exactly what I did.

I looked spellbound at the New York skyline. Everything looked so small from up there. Like I could grab the little cars and fling them into the river. I became aware of a silver glint on the horizon. Thinking nothing of it I slipped back into the meeting. It was like I'd never left. Suddenly New York screamed and a flames came out of the North Tower. I jumped out of my chair and ran up to the window.

The North Tower had a gaping hole in it's side and smoke poured out. I stared at it for forever. Then common sense kicked in and I whipped out my phone and speed dialed America.

"Hello?" England asked, he seemed very high strung.

"England! Is America there?!" I blurted. There was a pause on the other end and a feeling of dread rose in my throat.

"He is...but he's hurt. Really bad. Where are you?" I could imagine England staring out the window at the towers.

"In the South Tower....." As I said this a big BOOM rocked the floor.

"OH MY GOD! Nebraska are you all right?!" England screamed.

"I'm fine. What happened?" I was starting to hyperventilate.

"The South Tower was hit!"

I felt sick, "This can't be happening! How far down is it!?" The other states came running up to the roof. With no other option I followed them.

"In the middle. I see people on the that you?"

"Yeah. I'm waving."

"I see you."

"How are we going to get down? It's only a matter of time before......." I closed my eyes and let the sentence trail off. In the background I could hear Germany shouting, "What's Germany shouting about?"

"Trying to get a helicopter to the roof." England's voice sounded hopeless. England began to talk to some of the others. I can't quite remember but I think he was explaining to America who he was on the phone with. Sooner than I thought possible a helicopter came hovering at least twenty feet above our heads. We let up New York first because he was the most injured. I wanted to stay on the call with England as long as I could so I attempted to tell him what was going on.

"I'm about to go on. I have to end the-" All of a sudden the ground shifted beneath me and then was gone. I screamed and held the phone to my chest. I heard America's scream as well as England's. Almost as soon as it started the falling stopped. I was under a good deal of debris, though my torso was free, my legs weren't. I felt a searing pain in my left calf and I knew something had punctured it. Surprisingly, the phone was still in my hand and undamaged. I could hear England's frantic calls of my name.


"I-I'm okay. I can't get out, I think one of my legs has been stabbed. Please, h-hurry." Tears stung at my eyes.

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