It's Amazing.

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Yeah. Most of these locations I either got from Matthew Santoro, Ghost Adventures, or another top ten list of creepy places on YouTube. These next two are from Ghost Adventures. Thank you Zak Bagens.


I shivered and leaned against the wall. I rubbed my arms in an effort to make them warm, even with my jacket I was cold. China and I were keeping watch while the rest of the group slept. We'd lost a game of Rock Paper Scissors so now here we were, trying really hard not to fall asleep.

"What should we do if they come back, aru?" China asked suddenly. I shrugged.

"I dunno. Fight to the death I guess."

"I'm worried about Kiku." China hugged himself tightly, "I get this feeling that something bad happened to him."

"I'm sure he's fine. He's got Nebraska to take care of him. And if I knew her as well as I think I do, the minute anyone tries to lay a hand on him she'll beat the crap outta them." I forced a grin and leaned back against the wall. A sound caught my attention, "Sh. Did you hear that?"

"Hear what, aru?" He looked around worriedly. I heard it again, closer.

"Stay here. I'll go check it out." I got up and began to go down the hallway.

"Wait!" China grabbed my ankle. I looked back to see him holding up a flashlight, "Take this, aru."

"Where'd did you find this?" I asked, taking it from his hand.

"I woke up with it. Stay safe." He lightly nudged my leg. I grinned and turned away, flicking the flashlight on.

"I'll be fine." Then I set off. I shined the flashlight in each cell as I passed. To be honest I felt like a guard, "Who's there?" I said in a deep voice, "Ae? Ai? Any of ya'll 2ps?"

"Oh you're a smart one." A hand covered my mouth as a voice whispered in my ear. The flashlight fell from my hands and clattered to the floor.

"He sure doesn't look like it." Ae walked out from a cell five cells ahead of me. The hands shoved me into his arms. Without anything that I could do I called out,

"CHINA! GET THEM! GET THEM! HE-" Ai rammed his fist into my stomach, cutting me off.

"Shut it! Ae! Shut him up!" He hissed. Ae reached into his pocket and placed a rag against my face. I tried not to breath, but it was too late. Everything went black.


I was jerked out of my sleep by shouts.

"Texas! Where are you!?" China. China was shouting. I was jerked up to my feet suddenly.

"What's going on?" Romano groaned. Russia took both of our hands and began to drag us out of the room.

"It's no longer safe here." He said flatly. As we left the room Germany and Oklahoma came back. Oklahoma held a flashlight in her hands. China gasped and took the flashlight from her.

"We looked everywhere. We couldn't find him." Germany paled visibly before continuing, "We only found the flashlight."

"What's going on?" Oklahoma asked nervously.

"I don't know." China looked on the verge of tears. I had know idea why. We barely saw the states much less talk to them. The ones that I'd had the most experience with were Pennsylvania and New York.

"It's not safe here." Russia urged. Romano shivered and hugged himself tightly.

"Well well well we just gotta whole batch of geniuses here." Ai chuckled as he exited one of the cells. Germany pulled back Romano, Oklahoma and I while China and Russia stood in front of us.

"We do don't we?" Ae came from one on the other side of us. He held an unconscious Texas in his arms. I held my arms to my chest, my eyes wide and my breathing rapid. Ai chuckled again and pulled out a silver, cylindrical, object. I watched with fearful eyes as he pulled out a pin from the object and smoke began to fill the hallway.

"Hold your breath!" Russia shouted. But it was too late for me. I began to feel woozy, my vision spotty.

The ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly.


My head hurt like crazy as I opened my eyes. I was on a soft surface, a bed. The room I was in looked like some old timey bedroom. It had a plain white ceiling, blue walls, and a wood floor. The room was bathed in a reddish light, from the red curtains obviously. The bed had a flowery pattern on them. Odd. Through the door I could see a chair set up, looking in. I shivered and eased myself out of the bed, my head still pounding. The floor above me creaked with footsteps, I looked up at the white ceiling like it had the answers. I leaned against a dresser that was close by and clutched at my head. I looked down and gasped in surprise. I wore my outfit from World War 2. I didn't have any shoes on and I found it odd that I hadn't noticed that before. I shivered again as I took shaky steps forward. My legs were weak and I found I had trouble breathing. As I rested against the door frame, I heard a soft voice call out. 

"Who's there!?" 

"Nebraska. Where are you?" I said softly. Italy poked his head out of a doorway to some kind of kitchen. He wore his WW2 outfit (without shoes of course) and in all honesty he looked terrified out of his mind, "You okay?" 

"Mm-hmm. I can't walk very well but other than that I'm fine." He nodded and sat down on the floor as he said this. A sudden groan from a corner of the room made us both jump and cling to each other. A mop of blonde hair rose from near a piano. I recognized the bushy eyebrows immediately. 

"England!" I cried happily. He blinked like he didn't understand what was happening. He too was in his WW2 garb, minus shoes. When he looked down and noticed this his seemed to wake up. 

"What the bloody hell is going on here!?" He shouted. There came a yelp from upstairs and the sound of something hitting the floor. There were shouts and the sound of footsteps running down the staircase. Three figures fell in the doorway to the kitchen. Hawaii, Kansas, and Sealand. Hawaii wore an outfit you might see on an American soldier during WW2. It was a light tan with a black belt across the chest. Sealand wore a black version of his normal sailor suit but it still had a white and blue trim. Kansas wore a uniform I recognized as one that the W.A.S.P.S wore during WW2. Tan pants with a white shirt and over that a bomber jacket similar to America's but without the big 50 on the back. 

"Fancy meeting you here." Hawaii laughed nervously as she peeled herself off the floor. 

"Uh...why are we wearing our outfits from World War 2?" Kansas asked, looking at me weirdly, "And why are you in Jae's outfit minus the cape?" 

"I wore this during World War Two." I said indignantly, "In this world I wore it first." 

"Well I think it suits you perfectly." Italy wrapped his arms around my shoulders, I must've had the most confused expression in the world on my face at that moment because everyone else burst out laughing. They only stopped when we heard a thump upstairs. Followed by banging noises that came from the very walls themselves. 

"Who's there!?" England shouted. Kansas, Hawaii, Sealand, and Italy all clung to different parts of me, and I had the most unamused look ever. 

"Guys...." Hawaii whimpered, "I think I know where we are..." 

"Well, where are we? And get off me!" I frowned and tried to pry Kansas's hands off me. Hawaii shuddered. 

"I think....." She took a deep breath, "We're in the Villisca Axe Murder House." 

Huh. It's a little longer than I expected. 

Anyhitherwho. That picture is Nebraska's outfit. Throughout the following chapters I'll be posting everybody's outfit. 

It's just fun. 

Peace, Love, and INTO THE WOODS!, 


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