Europe's Skies.

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Nebraska followed me through the streets as I led her to our hideout. We were quiet for the most part. The only sound echoing throughout the streets was our footsteps. Occasionally a bird would tweet or squirrels would dash across the path. Those were the only signs of life in this desolate place as we traveled. 

"This place feels lonely." Nebraska said, breaking the silence, "Don't you think?"

"Yeah. I guess it is." I shrugged.

"It feels like a mixture between the forest and Hashima." She looked up at the sky, her face blank of any emotion at all, "It lacks the fear and dread of the forest but it still has it's quiet and oppressiveness. Of course it has the abandoned feel to it like Hashima but it's more spread out and orderly."

"That's one way to look at it I guess." I turned my gaze to the sky also, "I wonder if that's why we're here. Because it's a mixture of both of the previous locations."

"That and it's an abandoned city." Nebraska sighed, "They do seem to like those." For some reason I had to smile because it finally seemed like our old Nebraska had returned after those harrowing hours deep inside the forest.  For a while it was like she had disappeared and someone new had taken her place.

"When we get back, what do you want to do about all this?" I asked.

"We stand and we fight." There was an almost harsh edge to her words as she straightened and clenched her tiny hands into fists, "That's the way it has to be. In the 2p world it may be different but here if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us." Her hard expression faltered and she seemed to collapse in on herself, "But...the ones that are left...we can't do it alone."

"We'll need help then." I nodded. She sighed, taking off her glasses and rubbing them on her shirt.

"Yeah we'll need help." Nebraska placed them back on her face, eyes distant and determined, "So so much help." After a few more minutes of walking in silence we came upon our hideout.

It wasn't really anything more than an small house but it was better than any of the other buildings. There was only one entrance which meant only one exit. Somehow Habit had managed to find each of us weapons although we all knew that once Nebraska was out of Aokigahara she would be fine in that department. I knocked three times on the metal door, glancing around the area in search for any detectable enemy. The door opened and out popped the blonde head of Sealand. He looked up, saw us, and threw the door open wide. With a childish grin he yanked us inside and slammed the door back shut. Inside the only light came from a small window high on the far wall.

"Hey I see you found Nebraska." Habit gave a thumbs up from his seat, where he was sharpening a knife.

"Where were you?" Hawaii asked.

"Just sitting on top of a building." Nebraska shrugged, "Just kind of....thinking I guess. Planning."

"We plan on getting out of here." I took a seat on a moth eaten lounge chair, "My boss should be arriving in a couple hours. We just need to ride this out in here. Don't leave unless absolutely necessary."

"Well in that case I guess we better get comfy." Nebraska smirked, "Cause we might be here for a while." 

"What does that mean?" Sealand asked. He tilted his head like a little lost puppy. 

"It means we're going to be here for a while." Habit snickered. 

"How long are we talking here?" Hawaii raised an eyebrow. 

"About four or five." I shrugged. 

"Oh great." She groaned, covering her face with her hands, "I'm stuck with you guys for five hours." 

"That's why I said to get comfy." Nebraska's smirk melted into a amused smile, "Cause it sure doesn't look like we're going anywhere for a while." 

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