Make A Move.

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The entire helicopter ride back to Russia's place was in tense silence. I nearly fell asleep at least twice but each time was suddenly jerked awake by forces unknown. I guessed it was Marie or Valkyrie or possibly my own paranoia. At this point it could've been anything.

I plotted out the fine points of my plan. Locations, conversations, contacts, maybe what I'd eat afterwards. Sushi sounded good....or maybe even just a big plate of crab rangoons. Love those things by the way. Oh you want to hear what my plan was? Well it goes a little like this.

When we get back to Russia's place I'm commandeering his computer and sending a little message Em's way. After that...well let's just say I'm going to be making a few calls. And then we're going to meet up, Em and I. That's when I'm going to settle this. That's when this will finally end.

"Hey, Nebraska. We'll be landing soon." Russia slightly nudged my side with his elbow.

"Good." I sighed, "When we land I need to use a computer then a phone. Preferably one with international service."

"Going to tell me what it's for?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked playfully. I glanced sideways at him with an impish grin on my face.

"Nope. But if you hang around you'll see."

I was out of the helicopter before it's landing skids had actually touched the ground. It freaked out the soldiers inside as well as the ones stationed on the ground. They were surrounding three or four men in suits, a woman with an iPad, and the man I assumed to be Russia's boss.

"Nebraska. At least wait until the vehicle has touched the ground." Russia sighed as a soldier helped him out of the helicopter.

"I'll keep that in mind." I shrugged, walking forward into the group. The formed around us, steering us inside. It was nice to actually be inside a building with air conditioning and not outside all the time. As we were guided down a the hallway Russia was taken to what I can assume was an infirmary and I was taken to a guest room. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It was just right. Red curtains hung in the tall windows so when I shut them a red light was cast upon the room. The bed was a decent size and rather comfy to lay on. The blue sheets were nice and soft. The perfect kind for wrapping yourself in on a winter's day.

I requested the use of a computer, any kind would be fine, and a phone. They were brought to me in record time along with a change of clothes. A simple white t-shirt and jeans with a pair of white socks and tennis shoes. I thanked the man who had given them to me and set them on the bed next to the computer. I wandered into the bathroom attached to the room, peering into the mirror at my disheveled self. My hair was greasy and poofed up in places in normally didn't. There was dirt smudged on my skin from the countless falls I'd taken. I sighed as I read what this meant. A shower was in order. That, and a hardcore brushing of my hair.

I don't think I've ever despised brushes as much as I did that entire night as I struggled with the rat's nest that my hair had become. The shower had helped a little bit but good God my hair hadn't been this messy for decades. I couldn't even remember how long it had been since I had to use this much force just to untangle it. But I guess it should've been obvious that some work would've been necessary after almost a week of being transported place to place against my will. Once THAT had been taken care of I sat down on the bed with the computer in my lap.

It took some work but I eventually managed to hack into Em's network. The one she'd used to contact us on Hashima and probably the same one she'd been using to watch us with. I smiled to myself and got busy.

"Hey, Valkyrie. You wanna say hi?" I thought as I clacked away at the keyboard.

"It would be a pleasure." She responded before appearing at my side, leaning over my shoulder to watch, "When did you learn to do this?"

"Texas taught me. That computer geek is good for something after all." I grinned.

"I see." Valkyrie giggled. I made some final clicks and typed in some more code and VOILA, the connection was made. The screen flashed static for a moment before the image changed. I saw Em, leaning back on a swivel chair, asleep. Curled up on a different swivel chair was Ai and next to him on the floor was Ae. Both were also asleep. Oliver and Jae were nowhere to be found. Valkyrie glanced at each other with devious looks.


Heh heh I just had to put that Supernatural reference at the end. This is a long time coming I KNOW but this summer is drawing to a close and I've been way busier than I expected.


Peace, Love, and goddammitIneedtoupdateFire'sShadow


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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