Cold (But I'm Still Here)

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Russia caught her before she hit the ground. I ran over, worried she'd had a seizure.

"She's burning up." I whispered, "Nat, Nat wake up! Nat! Please wake up!" There was a soft moan next to me. I glanced at Japan who was in Yao's arms.

"I'm so sorry, aru. I'm so sorry." He murmured into his hair.

"A-America..." Japan opened his eyes and focused on me.

"Japan...I'm so so sorry I didn't want this to happen!" I felt tears well up in my eyes as I gripped my head.

"It's okay...I-I forgive..just..just take care of Natalie.." Then he closed his eyes again and went limp in Yao's arms. I just kind of sat there, too shocked to move or speak.

He...forgave me? After all I did? But....why? I have the blood of his people on my hands. I have a weapon that I'm not even sure I should've even used! I stared at him in surprise as tears ran down my face.

"Alfred!" Arthur's voice snapped me back into reality, "We have to get them to a hospital."

"R-right." I took Natalie from Russia. She lay limp in my arms, like a rag doll. I looked at Japan again and he lay similarly, "Let's go."

August 28th, 1945


I recovered quickly, though I can't say the same for Natalie. I had officially surrendered from a hospital bed.

There was no word on what had happened to her. All I knew is that she had collapsed a few minutes after Nagasaki. And that she even broke out of Russia's grasp.

"You doing okay?" America popped his head in.

"Yes. How is Natalie?" I asked. America winced a bit, still getting use to the fact that I call her Natalie now.

"Still hasn't woken up yet."

"Any idea what's wrong with her?"

"The doctors have no idea. There's nothing that they can detect." America sat down in the chair next to my bed, "So I hear your being released tomorrow."

"I am." I looked down at my hands, "Italy and Germany came earlier."

"How are they?" America asked.

"They're doing okay, from what I could tell." I shrugged. We went on talking for probably an hour about random topics that had really nothing to do with anything. Eventually we got to a story from when Natalie was only beginning to get her footing as a state.

"She was still that small little child that I'd brought to the World Meeting when she officially took part in the Cival War. She quite literally commanded three regiments of men even though she was about this tall." America put his hand up to his waist.

"So that's where it came from." I nodded.

"Where what came from?" America tilted his head slightly, something Natalie did when she was thinking.

"The ability to command the soldiers. You trained her well." I leaned back and remembered the way she'd walk in front of the troops and the way they treated her with feared respect. America shook his head and laughed.

"That wasn't me, that was all her. Sometimes I wonder why the other states ignore her." He leaned on the arm of the chair with his chin in the palm of his hand.

"It's a mystery to me too." I shrugged, "I think the other states will reject her for a while, years maybe."

"I've expected that. Hopefully I can convince them otherwise." America sighed, "At least Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas haven't changed their views on her." As if on cue Kansas walked in and nudged America in his side.

"I couldn't reject my sister you know that." She smiled (somewhat evilly I might add)) and turned to me, "Look, I don't want to sound sappy and crap but take care of her. She loves you, like a lot."

"I promised her that I'd protect her. That nothing would happen to her. But look where that got us. I do not deserve a strong girl like Natalie." I closed my eyes and leaned back against the pillow. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was soon looking into the bright blue eyes of America.

"You did protect her. For four years you protected her and at the end of this war she returned the favor by protecting you. You deserve and clearly need each other. " He ruffled my hair, "She needs you now more than ever, Kiku."

Suddenly Texas ran in, out of breath and flushed.

"She's awake." He glanced at me, "And she's asking for you."

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