Baby Doll Gone Wrong

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Their reactions were priceless. Jae dropped his katana and Oliver hid behind him. I sunk down into a slight lunge, lowering the katana to my side. With a wild yell I pushed off the ground and ran towards them. Jae jumped out of the way but Oliver was too slow. My katana went right through his stomach. The force knocked us both to the ground, where I used my knees to pin him down. I yanked out my katana, making it disappear as I did. Then I summoned a regular kitchen knife. Oliver stared up at me with fear and horror. I grinned down at him with what I knew was a look of someone who was thirsty for blood. The hand with the knife raised high above my head, ready to deliver a fatal blow. I felt cold steel on my throat and a hand wrap around my wrist. I glared back at Jae with a new intensity.

"One more move and I slit your throat." He growled.

"Oh do you really wanna do that?" I smiled up at him, feigning innocence. He was caught off guard for moment, uncertainty swirling in his eyes, "Are you sure you wanna try to kill me?"

"I....uh...I-I..." His cheeks began to turn pink, his eyes roving away from mine.

"What's the matter?" My smile disappeared as I stealthily summoned one of my pistols. Jae was so focused on me he failed to notice that. Pia, redderet magis operam, "Are you stuttering?"

"N-no! I mean, NO. I'm not. I'm not stuttering and stop trying to distract me!" Jae pulled away, removing the knife but still keeping a hold on my wrist.

"What am I distracting you from?" I tilted my head, revealing the gun now pressed against Oliver's forehead. Jae's eyes widened, his grip on my wrist slipping, "One more move and I pull the trigger." My lips curved into a smirk as he shivered and kept moving away. I heard a groan from my right, male, deep.... it was Russia. I watched his eyes open slowly, then register me, then Oliver, then the gun, then Jae backing away, then me again, "Here is what's going to go down Jae. You're going to leave this place and forget that this happened. You will NOT report this to Emeilia or anyone else."

"What about Oliver?" Jae asked warily. My lips twisted into a sadistic smile as the finger on the trigger tightened.

"Nebraska, stop don't." Russia's voice caught me off guard for a moment. I stared at him for a long moment before shaking my head.

"I'm sorry but this must be done." I looked away from him, moving my gaze down to Oliver. His eyes were full of fear. Fear that I, for reasons I can't explain, craved, "It must be done."

Then I pulled the trigger.


I clutched Alfred's hand tightly, afraid that if I let go then he wouldn't be there anymore. His fever skyrocketed in the past two hours. It was a lot worse than before, so bad that he could barely even talk and spent most of his time sleeping. Each time he opened his eyes they'd look even more distanced and glazed over. I knew exactly what this meant.

The trance.

Alfred coughed and opened his eyes.

"Iggy...." He called out weakly.

"I'm right here. What is it?" I stroked his hair back like I did when he was little.

"I'm sorry.....I...can't be the hero....this time..." He started coughing up blood, catching the attention of Germany and France. They both came over, peering over my shoulder.

"What are you talking about of course you're the hero." I clutched his hand just a little bit tighter. Alfred chuckled softly.

"N-not this...time....I wonder-" He never got a chance to finish. His eyes closed, his grip on my hand which had been steady suddenly let go, and his breathing slowed down significantly.

"Alfred..? Alfred don't do this to me please!" I shook him, tears jumping to my eyes. I felt someone put their arms around me.

"It'll be okay." Kansas whispered. I threw my arms around her and sobbed into her chest.

I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that he was gone. The nation I'd raised practically since birth was suddenly....just...gone. And after only being taken from the room once! Em must've gone crazy on him, from what I could tell one of the stab wounds had punctured his lungs, so he'd pretty much drowned in his own blood.

That must've been an agonizingly slow way to go.


Oliver's eyes instantly rolled to the back of his head and he went limp. Jae stumbled back in horror, his eyes as wide as saucers. Blood was spattered across my black clothes, some droplets landing on my face and dripping down my neck. I watched my hair turned back from black to blonde and the gun disappeared. Suddenly common sense caught up with me and I scrambled back, horrified with what I'd just done.

Wait, why was I horrified with myself he'd clearly done worse and it's not the first time I'd killed someone. It certainly won't be the last. I hunched over myself, arms held tight to my chest. Sudden laughter cut the air, it took me a moment to realize the laughter was mine. I threw my head back as great, loud cackles ripped through my throat and into the air. At that moment a single thought flew through my head. A soul crushing thought that everyone around me knew.

I'm going insane.....

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