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July 16th, 1945


I stood watching as the men loaded the test bomb on the plane. There was a nagging at the back if my head.

"This isn't right."

"Course it is. You want Natalie back or not?"

"This isn't about Natalie, this is about ending the war."

"And getting Natalie back."

"Yes, and getting Natalie back. But, what will she think of me?"

"She'll most likely hate you for a couple years but soon that'll pass and she'll realize that she was foolish to have ever defied you."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm someone who just wants to help."

"Well, 'someone who just wants to help' kindly shut up."


After arguing with the voice in my head I turned to the field where this thing would be tested.

The explosion was, in all honesty, awesome. It was a blink and you miss it moment. First nothing but a bright blue sky and then BOOM there's a mushroom cloud a million feet in the air. I high-fived the workers and ran to go tell the others about the success.

July 26th, 1945


Japan came in with a paper in his hands.

"Let me guess. 'Surrender or we will attack you?'" I asked.

"You are correct." Japan nodded.

"Well, are you?" I took his hand in mine. He looked me in the eyes and with a slight smile he said,


"That's exactly what I want to hear."

August 6th, 1945

We weren't expecting it, we should've, but we didn't. It was normal for us to go a take a walk around. It allowed our minds to calm and be prepared for mostly anything. It had been raining a bit but I didn't really mind it. Well, we were about to head back to the house when they came. America, England, China, Russia, France, and Canada. The allies had finally found us.

"What are you doing here?!" I glared at America with such intensity I was almost worried he was going to burst into flames. Keyword: ALMOST.

"Nat, I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this." His eyes flicked to Japan for a moment and my eyes widened.

"What did you do?" I whispered.

I got my answer a second later. Japan screamed and fell to the ground, clutching at his side. I spun around and caught him before his head hit the pavement below. There was a hole in his side, blood gushing out and staining his white uniform a dark crimson.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I shouted. England grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away. I kicked his knee and wrenched my wrist out of his grip at the same time. There was a sickening pop as my wrist broke. And that's how it began. Me fighting off the nations. The only ones who didn't try and take me were Russia and America.

France was easiest, because c'mon he's France. I had not trouble taking out Canada. A little trouble taking England and China but somehow I managed to do it. I was exhausted by the second day but one look at Japan on the ground, in pain, was enough I keep me fending them off. There was a break of some sort as the sun went down on the second day. It was still raining, and was showing no signs of stopping. I went back to Japan and put his head in my lap. I didn't notice that America was leaning over us until I felt his hand on my shoulder. I jumped up, careful not to hurt Japan anymore than he was.

"Stay away from him!" I shouted. Japan groaned and opened his eyes slightly.

"Do you surrender?" America asked.

"No..." Then he slipped back into unconsciousness.

"Nat, please, come back." America pleaded. I pushed him away.

"I've told you this before and I'll tell you again! You'll have to drag me kicking and screaming back to the states!" I shot the other nations a glare, daring them. Suddenly I felt all this pent up anger and hatred. Without thinking I used my good hand and swung blindly. America stumbled back, holding his jaw. Tears came streaming down my face, " could could you do this?" I cried. Apparently, France decided that this would be a wonderful time to try and sneak up in me. Idiot. Quickly I swung my foot around and kicked him in the gut. It sent France reeling backwards. I kicked him again in the same spot and he fell. And so the fighting began again.

August 9th, 1945

It probably would've gone on for days, if it hadn't been for Nagasaki. I heard Japan's scream and instantly stopped. I was at his side before I even knew what was happening.

"Kiku...oh god...." I sobbed.

"Natalie....I love you.." Japan reached up for my face. I took his hand and pressed it against my cheek.

"I love you too, Kiku."

That's the last thing I remember.


Natalie got up and turned to us. Her whole body was shaking. She glared at me with such hatred, I felt my heart seemingly shatter.

"How can you live with Why would you do this to us?! WHY!?" She screamed. Her eyes only had one emotion in them, pain.

"Nebraska, calm down-" England began. He tried to step forward but Natalie through a knife at his head, missing only by mere centimeters.

"No! Stay away from me! Stay back!" She stood protectively in front of Japan. Russia managed to sneak up behind her and pick her up, "LET ME. GO!" Then unexpectedly she began yelling in Latin, "Cum odio habueris, dimitte me, ut videam te!" I almost expected her to disappear again but all she did was struggle to get out of Russia's grip. Finally with one last burst of strength she got free and once again stood protectively in front of Japan.

Then she collapsed.

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