Deja Vu.

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Heh heh heh this is Jae's theme. ^W^

Nebraska's POV.

Here's some advice if you're ever stuck in a concrete bunker with four or five other people; DON'T. In three hours the temperature in here had taken a nosedive as the sun set. I was currently shivering in one of the corners. The jacket and pants from my World War Two days were not meant to keep out the cold and the fact that I didn't have shoes on wasn't helping. It was a wonder I managed to stumble around Aokigahara without them and not get stabbed through the foot with a stick. Knowing that place it would not surprise me if that happened.

"How much longer until your boss gets here?" I asked through chattering teeth.

"About two or three hours." Russia answered calmly, glancing down at his watch.

"I'm gonna be an ice cube before then!" Habit moaned.

"I feel like I'm back in the bunker with Herr Schnurrbart." I muttered. Habit snorted and stifled a giggle.

"Schnurrbart?" Hawaii frowned, "Who the hell is that?"

"It means mustache in German." I smirked, "I think you know who I'm talking about now."

"That's very well played." Russia snickered.

"Yeah." Sealand grinned.

"But seriously though, it's freezing in here." I shuddered, "And it's getting darker by the second. Now I don't know about you but I'd much rather see inside the place we're hiding from our enemy in."

"We're not hiding." Habit pouted.

"Yeah we kind of are." Hawaii nodded.

"I gotta agree." Sealand nodded. 

"Okay so list of priorities." I held up a finger, "Get a source of heat. Now we need to figure out who goes out to get said source." 

"I'll go alone." Russia began to stand. 

"Not on your life!" I hissed. He sighed and sat back down, "No one is to be alone at any time." 

"I say we just all go." Sealand suggested, "That way we can keep track of one another and if we get attacked then we have strength in numbers." 

"That's actually a really good idea." Hawaii nodded approvingly him. His grin nearly lit up the room on its own. 

It took us only five minutes to gather up the necessary weapons to venture outside. We stuck together in a group with Habit and I in the lead. We walked probably about a mile when we came across a patch of woods. Finally something was going right. Trees meant sticks, sticks meant fuel for fire. Fire meant warmth and light. It was a win-win. Or at least that's how it looked. 

I guess that because nothing had happened for a couple hours we let our guard down. If we had been as alert as we had been when we left the bunker we would've heard the footsteps. We would've noticed the sun setting dangerously fast. We would've been ready. But we were oblivious to it all as we gathered up the sticks, laughing and joking with one another. 

So when the shots rang out we were completely off guard. 

The first one was just a ploy to catch our attention. The second and third were to alert us to their location. The fourth was to hit somebody. 

Russia was that somebody. 

I didn't have time to think about what was happening. One moment Russia was next to me, drawing out a pistol, the next slumped against a tree holding his right leg with agony written across his features. My body froze, too exhausted to do anything. My mind was still reeling from Aokigahara and what had happened there and was too scrambled to even think of conjuring up my pistols. I felt something knock me down to the forest floor and move to protect me. I remember wondering why. Why were they protecting me? What danger was there? What point? All this had happened because of me. The two people I loved the most were practically dead and my friends were being tortured because of a stupid mistake I had made. And yet here this person was, protecting me from the ones I should be protecting them from. I was weak. Useless. I might as well have stayed in Aokigahara for all eternity for my sins. 

Russia tells me that he was the one who threw me to the ground and covered me as more bullets showered down. He says that it continued for a good ten minutes before all of a sudden it stopped. When he got up and looked around, Habit, Hawaii, and Sealand were gone. He looked down at me and saw that my eyes seemed dull and lifeless. It occurred to him that maybe I'd hit my head when he threw me. And well, he was right. I had a gash on the side of my head that had caused a concussion. That was probably why I hadn't responded after he'd moved off me. 

I believe I was comatose for the rest of the time in Pripyat for I don't remember anything after that. What I do remember with perfect clarity though, was the morning afterwards. 

When Russia's boss came to rescue us. 

WELL HELLO IT'S BEEN FOREVER. Yeah I don't got any excuse for this lateness (again) GOMENASAI. I can't believe the school year is almost over I'm SO ready for it to be over. Hopefully in the summer I'll have time to actually update this story.

I have a small(ish) announcement to make. I'm starting my own novel called When Mountains Have Voices. It's about the personifications of mountains (Everest, K2, Denali, those types of mountains.) and I want to know if any of you would like for me to publish the first chapter or two of it on Wattpad.

Just a thought.



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