Phantom Of The Opera.

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I remembered.....

I remember waking up, the instant dread in my stomach. I remembered finding Sealand and telling him not to follow the strings. I remembered the vision I saw of us meeting up. I remembered the hours of walking aimlessly, hopelessly. And I remembered finding her....

Her name was Tris. She was one of my secretaries and was always very friendly. I knew I wasn't supposed to get close with them but I always did.

And now....she's gone.

Valkyrie looked horrified and tried to grab a hold of me, but I jerked back, knocking into one of the chairs.


"Stop! You knew about this....and you didn't tell me!?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I pushed them away. I pushed everything I was feeling deep inside my heart where I couldn't find it.

I felt numb.

"Natalie you don't see this but you are fragile!" Valkyrie got ahold of my shoulders, staring into my eyes with her dark red ones, "You were one step over the edge from losing control and look what Kiku's trance did! You shot Oliver point blank in the forehead! You LAUGHED afterwards. You've gone past the edge now Natalie now you're more fragile than ever before. If you don't get a handle on that power of yours you're going to destroy yourself!"

I was about to push away, but I stopped.

"I'm not....I'm not fragile." I whispered.

"Yes you are." Valkyrie gave my shoulders a slight shake, "This is why we wanted to keep it from you. There will be people who will want to use your power for their own selfish purposes. You mustn't let them do that."

"Valkyrie...." I threw my arms around her shoulders burying my head in her chest, "I need to get out of Aokigahara." I suddenly drew back and assumed a stance with my right arm behind my back bent at a 9o degree angle while my left arm crossed my chest but my hand was clenched into a fist and turned the opposite direction. (Basically Attack On Titan salute.), "If I remain here then the dark energy will consume me." Valkyrie took a step back, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Where did this come from?" She asked.

"Where what came from?" I dropped the stance and tilted my head to the right.

"That. This sudden knowledge that you have to get out or the magic will consume you."

"I don't know." I stared down at my shoes, noticing that the edge of my dress was completely black, "That's weird."

"What is?" Valkyrie looked down at my dress and frowned, "What is that?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, "I think we should wake up now." That's all I said before I was jerked back into reality with Russia waving his hand in front of Valkyrie's face. I groaned and covered my eyes, the sun blaring into my vision.

"Nebraska, are you okay?" Russia helped me sit up, my entire body screaming in protest.

"Just peachy." I muttered, "I pretty much just murdered someone I'm fine." I clutched my forehead, feeling a massive headache beginning. Through the pounding I managed to sweep my eyes over the still unconscious forms of everyone else, "We'll have to wait for them to wake up in order to get out of here."

"Wait, you knew how to get out of here?" Valkyrie stared at me in shock, my face and voice remained impassive as a replied.

"It didn't come to me until now. I've been busy worrying about Kiku and I guess I don't have to worry anymore." I could feel my words hanging in the air like smoke, "When we were stuck here on the final day Kiku thought of the idea to climb a tree to try and locate Mt. Fuji. Since I was the smallest one I did it, and found it within seconds. The we just head in the opposite direction of the mountain. Though you do have to recheck and make sure you're still going in the right direction." The realization in the other two's eyes was a bit gratifying. I could practically read their thought.

We can get out of here.

Sup. So it's March 1st and for all you Nebraskans you know that it's Natalie's birthday! To celebrate I updated this.

Oh also I have started a new Attack On Titan/A Little Bit Of Prairie fan fiction called Attack On Nations. Basically takes place in the future with the Scout Regiment discovering the existence of the nations. And they are all lead by who else but our Natalie.

Warning: Contains spoilers for this story. Don't like 'em? Wait til this is finished. Though it's gonna be a while.

Cause I'm lazy.

Peace, Love, and LEVI,


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