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:D Prepare for KanLand fluff! (KansasXEngland)


I was bored. Really really bored. We'd all been here for at least six hours and nothing had happened. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.... I was currently sitting on a slab of concrete watching Russia intently. Why him I don't know. There was something that just wasn't right...the way he hovered around Nebraska just ticked me off.

"Hey. You alright?" England sat down next to me. I sighed and leaned back on to his shoulder.

"I don't know." I placed my chin in my hands, my eyes briefly flicking over to him, "I'm bored out of my mind."
"Me too." He sighed, "I don't even know what we're doing here."

"Me either." I cast a sideways glance at him, "What do you think Valkyrie is?"

"To be honest I really don't want to know." England sighed. Then he stood up, "We should explore this place, maybe it'll tell where we are."

"Not like I have anything better to do." I shrugged and stood up too, "Hey guys England and I are going to go find clues as to where we are."

"Stay safe." Nebraska called.

"We will." I smiled at her then walked away. England quickly followed. After wondering around outside for a little bit we decided to check out a small building roughly the size of our living room. I cautiously entered, unsure of what would happen.

"Hey, look at this." England waved me over to one of the walls. I made my way over to him, putting my arms around his shoulders.

"It's a piece of paper." I said simply.

"It has a language that I don't know on it. Do you?" He handed me the paper, I studied it for several minutes before handing it back to him.

"No clue. Let's take it back to the others. See if one of them know it." Then I kissed his cheek and ran back outside, leaving him blushing furiously.


I didn't know why, but it seemed like everyone was afraid of me. Not much just enough so that when I looked at them they wouldn't look me in the eye. I'd be lying if I didn't say I got a little frustrated. Okay maybe a little is a bit of an understatement.

Kansas and England came back with a piece of paper.

"We found this while we were looking around. I don't know the language written here but I thought one of you might know." England passed the paper to me. I looked it over and recognized it immediately.

"Oh, it's Japanese." I tilted my head slightly and began to read, "Dear Nations (and states.), if you are reading this then congratulations, you passed the first test. You are currently being held on a remote island nine kilometers from Nagasaki," I paused, "Okay so we're on Hashima then. Back to the letter, Your next task is to find a computer that I have hidden somewhere on the island. Once you do you'll be able to contact me. I will take one hostage for every hour you take to do so. And for every two hours I shoot Kiku." My voice broke as I read this, "Time is not on your side, Em." I handed the letter back to England. Then I stood up and walked out.

"Where are you going?" China asked. I glanced back, eyes blazing.

"I'm going to find that computer. There is no way I'm letting Kiku get hurt." Then without another word I left. I broke out into a run as I approached a building. I raced inside, paying no mind to anything. As I passed a room I heard a faint beeping noise. I skidded to a halt and crept slowly backwards till I was peering in the doorway of the room. My eyes carefully scanned each detail of the room. It was relatively small, must've been a closet at one point. There was a huge crack in the floor that revealed the floor below. I peered down into the hole, the beeping got louder. Without hesitation I ripped up a floorboard and dropped down. When I turned around my eyes widened and my heart nearly burst with fear.

It was a bomb.


I was afraid. I didn't know what was happening. At first I just thought that they had been toying with us, but now...now I think Em's losing her patience.

I was walking around one of the rooms above the room we'd all met up in. Well, more like pacing. I was highly debating whether we should tell the other group of the file at the previous location or not.

I was interrupted from my thinking by a paper being slipped underneath the door. It was again in Japanese, but at the bottom it had a picture of someone curled up on the floor. They were blood-spattered and glaring at the camera. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized Japan's dark hair and pale skin. Pale skin that was marred by the harsh crimson of his blood. I took no time in running down the stairs and shoving the paper into Russia's hands. Then I turned away and leaned against the wall. I felt sick and I didn't know why. The sick feeling slowly ebbed and I found the strength to listen to China reading the new note.

"Hello again. I may have forgotten to mention something. Around the island I have hidden bombs. If you happen upon one, it would be a good idea to run. They have all been set on a two hour time limit. They explode, so do you. Em." After that silence fell over the room. Like we just realized the severity of the situation.

"Why?" Romano broke the silence with his cry, "Why the hell is this happening!?"

"I don't know." Oklahoma took the picture from China and studied it carefully, "This was taken before we found the computer."

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"His back. If this was taken afterwards his back would be soaked in...." She looked sick for a brief moment before choking out, "Blood."

"Wait, what computer? What about Japan's back being soaked in blood?" Kansas shouted. China and I winced and looked at Russia. He sighed before crossing his arms over his chest and explaining.

As he did I walked out to get fresh air. This whole thing was so messed up. I remembered Em's threat of every two hours shooting Japan. I checked my watch, nearly thirty minutes had passed since Nebraska had ran out. I had to find her, before Em or anyone else found her first.

And explosion and a scream ripped through the air before I could even move.

A Little Bit Of Prairie: Hetalia FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now