The Doctor Forever

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This is the fluff I warned you about. I'm not responsible for any injuries caused by fangirling. Proceed with caution.

This chapter is dedicated to my sister Kathryn (who wrote it by the way.) because she was the inspiration for Kansas. YAAAAY!


"Nebraska! I'm home!" I yelled entering the door.

"Wait, you left?" She questioned.

"Yes, I had to go get this dork from the park across the street. " Motioning to England who was following in behind me. The new episode of Doctor Who was on today and I was making England watch it with me, whether he liked it or not.

"I don't understand why you insist on having me here to watch it with you." England said with a slight sigh.

"Because, you are my friend and I want you to. Now stop complaining." I replied very matter o' factly.

"But it doesn't start for another three hours." He just groaned.

"And... Now come help me pick out which doctor who shirt to wear." I basically dragged him out of the living room and up to my room. Motioning to my bed I told him to sit down I went to my closet to retrieve my doctor who clothes.

I returned with an arm full of hangers. England's eyes widen further than I thought humanly possible.

"You actually thought I would only have a few?" I said with smirk on my face.

"I don't really know what I expected."

"Well which one? My Allon-sy shirt, my tardis tank, my tardis dress, my 10th doctor dress, my 11th doctor dress, my Amy Pond outfit, my Rose outfit, my Clara outfit, my Donna outfit that I don't wear very often, then there are the more complicated 10th doctor outfit and 11th doctor outfit, and my then my galaxy legging that look really good with my other tardis shirt, and my...."


"I wasn't even to the accessories..." I stated with a pout. He was obviously not impressed.

"Wear the clara outfit, it fits the fact that she is still in the show."

"Ok that makes sense." I left, with a heavy heart because I still really missed Amy and Rory, to change leaving him sitting on the bed.

When I came back out of my closet, I saw England had found one of my notebooks and was reading it. At first I thought nothing of it, then I realized that it was the one that had all my fanfictions written in it. I ran and dove to try and get the notebook from him but he pulled it away and I just ended up landing on him. I would be lying if I had said that wasn't fun but I was way more intent on keeping him from reading that notebook.

"Please stop reading that, you'll never want to hang out with me again! Please!!!" I begged trying to grab the book from him.

"But why would I do that?" He was obviously trying to torment me but he kept reading on. This went on for what felt like hours but was probably only fifteen minutes. Finally after probably finishing the story he let me grab it.

"Why did you read that?"

"I don't know why you don't want me to, it wasn't bad writing."

"Because then you won't want to hang out with me because you'll think I'm weird or something." My face was bright red at this point so I was trying to hid behind my hair that had fallen out of its bun while I was trying to get my notebook back.

"Hey, this would never make my like you any less, I don't think it would make anyone like you any less."


"Yeah! You assume that being a fan is a thing to be ashamed of. That is not the case at all. I admire you for being so excited about things. That's actually the thing I love most about you, your open displays of fangirling."

"No one has said something that nice to me in a very long time."

"Well people should." My face was shining brighter than a full moon. That seriously the sweetest thing I have ever heard him say. Now would probably be a good time to admit that yes, I have had a slight crush on England for a while now. I had never told anyone, though I'm pretty sure Nebraska has figured it out by now. I was trying my hardest to not let him figure that out right now because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. He put his finger under my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. They were such a gorgeous green.

"Hey, I'm serious. Don't let anything stop you from doing what you love."

"Where has all of this come from?" I said with a laugh.

"Don't ruin the moment." He whispered, and that's when it happened. He leaned in and I soon found myself doing the same. Finally after what had seemed like ages, our lips meet each other. I was a simple, sweet kiss, but it was perfect. I would again be lying if I said I hadn't daydreamed about this. Don't judge me!

Of course this is exactly when Nebraska walked in.

"Hey guys, Doctor Who is about to.... OH GOD!!!" Covering her eyes she went in the hallway just far enough to not see us, but close enough she could still talk to us.

"You're lucky I'm not like France! Anyway, Doctor who is about to premiere so come down when you're done love birds."

After finally breaking apart, we had mostly ignored Nebraska, my face turned bright red and had a small smile on my face. England's eyes seemed to be glowing more than usual.

"We should probably head down before Nebraska get any ideas." I said, hating that I had to end this perfect moment in time.

"Yeah, I guess we should." We just sat there, neither of us wanting to move and accept that reality was waiting for us.

"We really have to go, I don't want to miss Doctor Who." I got up, reluctantly, and grabbed his hand, only this time I didn't have to drag him down stairs, this time he followed me willingly.


Next chapter things happen. THE LITTLE.........DALEKS. 

Peace, love, and :D, 


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