Fight For You

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Okay so because I get very very bored writing in the same style I'm going to start going in between First and Third person.


I rode on my motorcycle way into the night. I wasn't really going anywhere, just anywhere but home. Finally I decided to stop at a hotel. Once in my room I brooded over what decision I appeared to had made.

'Your declaring war on the nation that brought you into the states!'

"So? Other's have done it."

'Yeah but they weren't in the middle of their countries!'

"I never actually said I was going to war."

'But you were still thinking it.'

"Who are you anyway?"

'I'm you.'

"Then why don't you agree with me?"

'Because I'm supposed to keep you from going to war!'

"Yeah well how are you going to stop me?"

'I could always cause other's to harm Japan.'

"Your only a voice in my head, what can you do?"

'Oh a lot more than you think. Either you give up your rebellious desires or I make America hurt Japan.'

" I can't. I can't just say 'I hate you with a burning passion' one minute then 'I'm sorry I'm such a fool' the next! People will think I'm bipolar! Not that that stops the weather from doing what it wants....."

"Just don't say that I didn't warn you."

And then I fell asleep. I don't exactly know for how long but I'm guessing it was relatively two or three hours. When I woke up there were voices in front of my door.

"But Doistu what if she's still with America?!" Italy....what was he doing here?

"Relax. From what I heard she was planning on fighting him anyway." Germany.

"But what about Japan? Why isn't he with us? She trusts him more!!" I had to admit, Italy had a point. I definitely would trust Japan a lot more than these two. I was jerked out of my thinking by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked lamely, trying to sound like I thought it was America, "It had better not be you America I'm not talking to you."

"No. It is not America it is Italy and Germany. Would you be so kind as to let us in?" Italy said through the door. I let out a sigh and opened the door.

"Come on in. I take it you're here because of my statement a few hours ago." I stepped aside and let them in, "Am I right?"

"You're right." Germany nodded.

"Well at least I have people who understand me. You know why I can't go to war against Japan don't you?" I asked. Germany nodded again.

"Because he is your friend." He stated.

"I tried talking America out of it....but he wouldn't listen to me. And to make things even better the states I share a house with all think that I'm taking sides." I leaned against the wall with my hand on my forehead, "Normally I can take sides just like that, " I snapped my fingers for emphasis, "But this one-"

"Is hard for you to decide?" Italy asked. I nodded and ran my hands through my hair, "You know you could always join us." I thought it over in my head and it started to seem more and more like a good idea.

"Is it possible for a state like me to join a group like you?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"It's possible, other's have done it." Germany said. I smiled.

"Well then, where do we begin?"


After Nat took off England, China, and I just stood there in shock.

"She's not serious is she?" England asked.

"She seemed very serious to me, aru." China stared off into the distance.

"I knew Nebraska had feelings for him but to go to war with your country? That's insane." England sighed. I turned and went inside. I picked up the phone and dialed my boss.

"Alfred, what's the matter?" Franklin Roosevelt asked, "Are you hurt?"

"No it's got nothing to do with me. It's Nebraska. She's practically declaring war on me for declaring war on Japan." I sighed.

"What?! Where is she?!" The shock in his voice matched the shock on our faces when Nat stormed off.

"I don't know. She stormed off after saying 'if your going to war with him, then your going to war with me!' Now you see the situation? We can't let her out of the country." I looked up at England and China.

"I'll alert the states of the crisis. Stay safe Alfred." Then Roosevelt hung up. I sighed and slumped down into one of the chairs.

"How could I have let this happen?"

"Don't say that, aru!" China frowned, "You can't help what choices Nebraska makes."

"He has a point. She's all grown up now, old enough to make up her own mind. Even if we think it's the wrong choice." England crossed his arms over his chest.

"It IS the wrong thing. She can't rebel when she's in the middle of the country!" I explained a lot louder than necessary, "That's like trying to shoot someone without a gun!"

"If Nebraska has the amount of determination you did when you rebelled, then she can and will. Now we just have to find her before the Axis does." England put his had on my shoulder,

"Let's go find your state."

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