When Will My Life Begin?

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August 9th, 2010.


So we decided to take a trip down to Worlds of Fun. 'We' being Kansas, Japan, America, Italy, Germany, and I. England kinda got dragged into this by Kansas.

"Unhand me this instant!"

"Oh come on England, you have to come with us!"

"I don't want to!"

"Too bad I'm kidnapping you then."

"What are you- hey! Alfred tell your state to unhand me!!"

"Sorry man your on your own."

"Nebraska help me!"

I sighed and looked at England, "Once she's made the decision your pretty screwed." I shrugged and gave him a pitying look. I've been dragged places against my will by Kansas before. All the time actually. And I knew from experience resistence was futile.

"Oh great I'm being kidnapped." England sighed, "You have no idea......"

"Actually I do I'm 'kidnapping' Japan." I put quotation marks in the air as I said this. Japan smiled slightly as I walked over to him.

"I can see the battle going on here." America chuckled. I put my arm around Japan's shoulder I looked into his eyes.

"Your fighting very valiantly, you know that?" I grinned. We all burst out laughing. I mean seriousy, we are hilarious. At that moment Germany and Italy pulled up in my driveway. Italy hopped out and instantly ran over to hug the living life out of me. He'd learned pretty early on that hugging Japan wasn't a good idea. That never stopped him from hugging me, "Hi Italy!"

"Hi Nebraska! Hi Japan! HI Kansas! Hi England! Hi America!" Italy hugged each person except you know who. I keep forgetting how tall Italy is compared to me. And don't even get me STARTED on how short I am compared to Germany. Damn, Japan and I are short people. We decided that America, Kansas, and England would go in America's car. Japan and I would go on my motorcycle. Italy and Germany would go in Germany's car.

I ducked into the garage to get Japan a helmet. While I was looking for one that would fit I found my old outfit from World War 2. I smiled to myself and set it aside. It was in good shape despite not being worn for 60 years. Underneath that I found a helmet that would fit him. Having my little win for the day I tossed it at him. He caught it and quickly put it on. We hopped on my motorcycle and sped out of the driveway, the other's not that far behind us.

About three hours later we pulled up in front of Worlds of Fun. I saw the Mamba and the Steelhawk way before we got into the park. Italy and I both agreed that we should all go on the Patriot. Kansas and I had been here before a couple years ago, and that by FAR was my favorite ride. Apparently Italy had heard about it and desperately wanted to try it.

"It's so much fun! It goes up I think 148 feet? Either that or 147...anyway you get this rush as you shoot down the first time and you even go upsidedown!" I made the motions with my hands as I explained.

"That sounds like fun." Japan glanced at America, who was looking very sceptical at going on this thing.

"It's my favorite ride. That and Steelhawk." I smiled and used my movie trailer voice for the next part, "It's not 300 feet, or 299. It's 301!" Kansas and I burst out laughing at our own little joke that we'd made up. We'd heard it and made that joke everytime we did. See this is why I love Kansas. We are the most random people ever.

"And this is what happens when I leave them alone." America chuckled.

"No we actually get things DONE when you leave us alone." Kansas gave him a look and he started laughing.

"Like what? Tormenting Texas, fun as it may be, does NOT count." I giggled a little as I thought about the Vulcan-death-pinch episode. That was fun. I glanced at Germany, "If you think the world meetings are bad you should supervise the states meetings. Good thing I'm ignored so I don't get dragged into many arguments. I can just play on my phone and tune everybody out." I smiled and walked forward.

"What kind of arguments go on there?" Germany asked. I shrugged.

"Sports. The best resturaunt. Stupid stuff. At least you guys argue about reasonable stuff. They just argue about random things that don't matter. I can go to a highschool and see the same exact thing."

"I don't need to go to a meeting somewhere out of state to see THAT!" Kansas chuckled. '

"Pretty much, yeah." I nodded.

A few minutes later we were getting strapped into Patriot. Italy and I sat on the two inside seats while Germany and Japan sat on the outside. America and I had taken off our glasses so then they wouldn't fly off. Speaking of him, England, Kansas, and America sat in the front. We were in the second row of the car. (I have no idea what it's actually called. :D)

We began moving foreword and I felt this rush I hadn't felt for what seemed like forever. The car lurched up the hill slowly, like it was toying with us. I'll bet they make it like that on purpose. Well let's just say that that first hill was quite literally one of the best things that happened that day. The rest went too fast to talk about except that it was AWESOME! I saw America's face after getting off and almost burst into laughter.

"That was amazing! Let's do it again!" Italy jumped about excitedly. I slipped back on my glasses with a giggle.

"It's very exhilarating." Japan smiled slightly.

"That was fun." England smirked and looked at America, "Your thoughts?"

"It was fun." He said simply.

"You see why it's my favorite now?" I grinned.

"I do. Now, what should we do next?" Germany scanned the horizon. Kansas looked down at the map, trying to find another ride.

Well let's just say that I had a lot more fun then I should've on a couple of rides. I'm so mature.

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