House Of Myth

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There was a painful throbbing in my head as I opened my eyes. It took me a moment to register what had happened before I'd blacked out. I sat up and whipped my head around. 

"Ah finally I didn't think you'd EVER wake up." A voice said in the doorway. Em. 

"What the? How did I get here!?" I asked. 

"I won't go over the details. I've taken you hostage and split the others into two groups. Half of them are at the Winchester Mystery House and the other half are at Alcatraz." Em giggled and twirled a knife in her hand. I took note that this room was too big for just one person. 

"What do you want with me?" I scoot back an inch, just to put a little more distance inbetween me and this psycho. 

"I could just walk away right now but because I'm a nice person I'm going to tell you. You're just the start of my hostage taking. As you can see the room is made to accommodate many more people than just you. I'm going to start taking hostages one by one until only your little Natalie is left." Em walked closer to me as she spoke. Being right in my face at the end. Then she smirked and walked back to the door. Just before she left I shouted one last question. 

"Who's next?" Em stopped and looked back with a grin. 



"Kansas!" I cried as we embraced each other. 

"I thought we were all alone!" She let go of me and glanced at Japan, "Why are you wet?" 

"Don't ask." He looked off to the side. I rolled my eyes and looked at who else was with her. England and Hawaii. 

"Where's everyone else?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I'm worried about Sealand.." England glanced around the hallway like he thought Sealand might be hiding somewhere. 

"Me too. He's a cute kid you know?" Hawaii leaned against the wall and hugged herself tightly. Her brown hair falling in front of her gold eyes. 

"Where are we?" Kansas looked up at the ceiling as if it held the answer. 

"The Winchester Mystery House." A voice said behind us. I jumped out of my skin and whirled around. It was Italy. He peeked out of the doorway wearily. 

"Italy! Oh dear jesus you gave me a heart attack." I laughed nervously, still high on that adrenaline rush, "Have you seen Sealand?' 

"I'm right here!!" Sealand appeared right next to Italy with a grin on his face, "We found a secret passageway and then you guys!! This place is sooo cool!" 

"Peter don't worry me like that again!' England lightly chuckled. Then he suddenly got serious and turned to Italy, "You said the Winchester Mystery House right? How'd you figure it out?" 

"Easy!" Italy smiled his normal happy smile, "America took us here once! I recognised the room I woke up in!" 

"Well that explains the swinging chandelier." I frowned. 

"What's swinging chandelier?" Sealand asked excitedly. 

"I woke up to a squeaking noise. It was a chandelier swinging back and forth. The sound annoyed me so I stopped it. This place is reportedly haunted so it makes sense." I sighed. 

"H-haunted? You mean l-like ghosts?" Hawaii's eyes widened and she started shaking. Oh yeah did I mention that she shares America's fear of ghosts? 

"I guess so. Don't worry it's probably the workers or even good ol' Sarah herself." Kansas pat her on the back with a slight smirk on her face. Hawaii glared at her. 

"That's not helping." 

"Hey you know what's also not helping? Staying in one place." Another voice said behind us. Again jumping out of my skin and again turning around. I saw Jae leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. 

"Oh look it's the caped crusader. What do you want, Poiple?" I frowned. In case you haven't noticed already, I LOVE to make fun of Jae's cape. (Hence the nickname Poiple.) 

"It's not really what I want more or less what Em wants." He shrugged, apparently oblivious to the fact that I'd made fun of the cape. Oh well time to try again. 

"Oh it's not the piece of fabric on your back?" Then just to make myself laugh I added, "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" 

"That wasn't very nice." Jae frowned. 

"Well I'm not a very nice person. Why are you here?" I chuckled to myself and leaned against the door. Jae's eyes locked onto a certain individual and my heart nearly stopped. 


After hours of just sitting around the library we decided to wander around the prison for a while. We had to have at least one other person with you at all times. I was too tired to go walking down creepy hallways so I stayed behind with Romano. 

"What if something bad happened to Feliciano?" Romano asked as he paced around the room. 

"I'm sure he's fine. He's probably with Nebraska and you know she wouldn't let anything happen to him. Not if she can help it." I gave him a reassuring smile. On the inside I was freaking out. I needed to know what happened to Alfred! 

"Yeah. Where are they? If they're not here then where could they be!?" Romano scowled and stopped pacing. He glanced around the library with a set expression. 

"What are you looking for?" I asked. 

"I heard something." He whispered. 

"I'm sure it's nothing." I closed my eyes and before I knew it. I was asleep. 


Jae stepped forward. I tried moving but there was a force holding me to the ground. He stopped in front of me and took my chin in his hand. I jerked back, breaking to force. I put myself in between Jae and his target with a growl. 

"You stay away from him." My voice switched to British mid-sentence. 

"Oh no she's British again." Both Kansas and Italy moaned. 

"Your attempts to protect him are very touching but I have my orders and they must be followed." Jae grinned and stepped forward again. He took out an odd looking gun as he did. 

"Well tell Em forget it! There's no way any of us are letting you take Japan!" Hawaii took Japan's arm and pulled him back. 

"I'm getting tired of this." Jae pointed the gun at Japan. Japan's eyes widened just the slightest. 

Then Jae pulled the trigger. 

Sup. I'm back. Now next chapter things get a little sadistic (there is character pain involved so if you don't like that skip. It's not all that important I'm just evil.) 

So hopefully I'll update soon. 

Peace, love, and getting lost in the Odyssey, 


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