Mirror Mirror

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Today's outfit is ITALY'S!! PAAAASTAAAAA!!!


I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning against the bed where Japan was sleeping. After some time and lots of protesting, France and I had finally gotten him to rest. France had curled up on one of the beds farthest away from the door. I was the only one awake, I couldn't sleep. The thought of in my sleep Em hurting Japan was unbearable It wasn't fair that he should be the one in pain. As I was stroking his hair back the door creaked open and someone else was shoved in. They groaned and attempted to push themselves up but their arms gave out and the slumped back to the floor. From the sandy hair and the orange jacket I could tell who is was.

"Texas!" I called out. His head snapped up, his eyes wide.

"What the...Al...what are you doing here?" He finally got himself up into a sitting position as I walked over to him.

"Probably the same reason you're here." I helped him to his feet and led him over to where I'd been sitting previously. Texas leaned over to look at Japan's arms and frowned.

"What happened to him?" He asked.

"Em happened." France sat up and stretched his arms up like a cat.

"What does that mean?"

"She's been, in a nutshell, torturing him." I stroked his hair back as I said this.

"For what? Why?" Texas's frown deepened as he plopped down in front of the bed. France sighed.

"I wish I knew, mon ami." He crossed the room over to us, "It is nice to see you again."

"Hey you too." Texas chuckled, "So Al, what group were you in?"

"He wasn't part of any group. He was the first one here." France answered for me. I shot him a look.

"I can answer for myself."

"Ah! He's turning into Nebraska! Don't hit me with the pocket watch!" Texas hid behind the bedpost he was closest to. France and I looked at each other, then burst out laughing, "What!? What's so funny?" Our conversation was interrupted by a cough from the doorway. Our gazes snapped to the source, Em stood there with a gun in her hand.

"Much as I love listening to you I need to borrow him." She gestured to Japan, who was just beginning to wake up. France and I stepped in between him and Em.

"You can't have him." The look on Em's face darkened yet she grinned at the same time.

"Of course I can. If you don't then I'll tell Jae to put Italy in the trance immediately." She toyed with the gun, twirling it in her fingers.

"You leave him alone!" France shouted, "He's never done anything to anybody!"

"Hush!" Em pointed the gun at him and he paled, "Give me him or I'll take him by force!" Without waiting for an answer she darted between us, took Japan in her arms, and darted back out.

"No! Japan!" I shook the door, trying to get it to open. France and Texas pulled me away from it. (which with the effort I was giving into getting back to the door, must've been QUITE the feat.)

We just stood there, in the center of the room, staring at the door. All of a sudden a scream pierced the air. We all cringed and France started crying.

It was happening again.


I quickly carried Japan to the room with the metal table. He was too groggy to fight back as I laid him down and strapped him in. I turned on a lamp and shined it in his face. That woke him up.

"Wh-what?" It was adorable, the way he cringed from the light and winced at the pain in his arms and chest.

"Good morning!" I grinned down at him, moving the lamp away. His eyes shined with fear as he recognized his surroundings.

"What do you want!? Leave me alone!" He struggled against the straps, but just like all the other times all that did was rub his wrists and ankles raw. I chuckled and took the gun I'd threatened the others with.

"All I want is to hear you scream." I put the barrel of the gun over his stomach, his breaths became short and more like gasps. He was so afraid I could almost taste it. As an after thought I grinned and added, "And hopefully I'll be there to hear your little Italian friends too." I never gave him the chance to object, because I pulled the trigger.

His scream was almost as addictive as his fear.


We heard shouts and bangs from upstairs. I'd decided to hide with Hawaii and Sealand behind the couch while Kansas held England like a shield. I wanted to cry and clung to Germany but....I couldn't.

A figure fell down the stairs. I think it was that one guy with the red eyes.....Jae. Yeah that's his name. Jae got up and turned towards our group, his eyes seemingly locking on me. I started shaking and pressed myself against the wall.

"Leave me alone! I surrender! I surrender!" I would've waved around my white flag but I didn't have it. There were shots all around me, I closed my eyes and slumped down against the wall. When they stopped I cautiously opened my eyes. Everyone around me was unconscious. Everyone but Jae and Nebraska. And I guess me. The two of them were talking, with Jae's face being as red as Romano's is when he's mad and Nebraska being her usual sarcastic self. I slowly stood up, inching my way towards the doorway to the room Nebraska had come out of. I tried to keep my breath silent as my footsteps on the creaky wood. Before I knew it a blinding pain ripped through my shoulder, I screamed and fell to my knees. I clenched my eyes shut again and willed the pain to just go away. I felt hands lift me up with their arm across my throat.

"Stand down or I shoot him again." Jae...shot me? I opened my eyes and looked down where the pain was. Sure enough there was a hole in my shoulder, there was blood leaking through my clothing, "Just now noticing huh pasta buddy?" The grip on my neck tightened. Frightened, I began to struggle.

"Germany! Germany help me!" I shouted. I half hoped he heard me, half he didn't. The pressure on my throat suddenly increased and I struggled harder. My vision got narrower and narrower until I couldn't see anything at all.


I watched with horrified eyes as Italy went completely limp in Jae's grip. Jae chuckled and tossed him to the ground. I drew up my katana, preparing to fight him again. Suddenly there was a sharp pain at the back of my head, my world went blurry, and then the ground rushed up to meet me.

The next thing I know I'm walking around a dark space. Every once in a while I got a prickling on the back of my neck and I'd look back to see nothing. Eventually I reached a building. It was old and decaying.

"Hello?" I called. My voice reverberated off the walls. I shivered and pressed forward. A hand on my shoulder caused me to scream and jump at least two feet away. It was the girl I'd seen for a brief second at the Winchester Mystery House. She had short light blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles that amassed on her nose and cheeks. She wore all white except for a blue streak down the side of her outfit and black combat boots.

"Woah woah woah! I didn't mean to scare you!" She put her hands up and stepped back.

"Sorry, I'm just.....jumpy I guess." I'm sure my face reddened just a little. The girl laughed.

"Well I wish you could've seen your face! Anyway," She stuck out her hand, "My name is the same as yours but you can call me Marie!"

"Oh, well nice to meet you Marie." I shook her hand briefly before pulling away and examining my surroundings, "So, what is this place?" Marie shuddered a bit before she answered.

"An upcoming location."

Well hello friends. Normally I don't update this time of day but guess who got a free day in Computer Class? (Crowd cheers.) 

Peace, Love, and Defying Gravity, 


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