Trouble Is A Friend.

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My first thought as I woke up.

"I am SO sick of this."

I grit my teeth and open my eyes. The first thing I saw was a bush. It was a scraggly bush with hardly any leaves on it. The second thing I saw as I propped myself up on one of my elbows was the medium sized ferris wheel. The longer I stared at it the more dilapidated and abandoned it looked. Where the hell was I now? I rose to my knees, stretching my arms and back.

"Russia!?" I shouted, "Valkyrie!? Habit!? Anyone!?" My voice echoed but I heard no response. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. I was now on my feet with my katana in my hands, "Hello!?" Once again there was no response. The concrete I walked on was cracked and uneven, so walking was a bit of a challenge. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled like I was being watched. Being out in the open made me nervous and paranoid. Buildings loomed up on my left and my right. Hmm, now which one looks safer to be in? Left, right, left, right, left right, "Ah screw it I'm going in left." I ran as fast as I could inside. The only sound was my heavy breaths and footsteps as I ran up to the top floor. The rooms were decayed and abandoned, kind of like on Hashima...but I knew this wasn't Hashima it was very different. The door to the roof was rusted and hanging off it's hinges. As I pushed it aside the hinges broke off and it clattered down to the ground with a loud crash. My body tensed, prepared to defend against anything that jumped out at me. But there was nothing. Nothing.... It was quiet here, just like Aokigahara. But it was a different kind of quiet. Not the kind that made your heart race and skin crawl no. No it felt, lonely. Sad. Fearful. It just made me feel depressed and on the verge of tears.

Just what was this place?


The only sounds in the cell was Italy's moans of pain and Germany and I's attempts to sooth him. We'd laid him down on the bed with torn up sheets wrapped around his wounds. Romano still hadn't come back and it had been three hours. I feared that if Em continued torturing the two brothers both of them would go into the trance soon. Kansas and I kept prying Canada's brain for details on what had happened with Nebraska but he kept insisting he knew very little about it.

The door slammed open again and Romano was pushed in. He instantly curled in on himself and whimpered quietly. France and I ran over to him, turning him on his back. He had too many stab wounds in his stomach and arms to able to stay alive much longer. His curl had also clearly been messed with. We gently picked him up and carried him over near Italy. His eyes opened a slit, a groan escaping his lips.

"Hey, hey it's going to be alright just stay awake okay?" I held the side of his face, forcing him to look at me.

" can't b-be....longer....basta dire a mio....fratello che ho....fatto del mio meglio....per proteggerlo..." He gasped.

"Lo farò. Ci proteggiamo tuo fratello per noi non lasceremo che lei lo fa più male." I helped France lay him down on the bed nearest to the door, watching the minute he touched the white fabric it began to turn red.

"Grazie...è meglio prendersi cura di lui....o lo farò ..." Romano took a sharp breath, "Ho detto .... che avevo ... proteggere il mio fratello ... ma voi ragazzi devono farlo ora ..." Then his eyes drooped shut and his breathing slowed down.

"Sleep well, Lovino." I closed my eyes, resting my head on the edge of the bed, "At least you're not in pain anymore."

"What are we going to tell him?" France gestured towards Italy, who at that moment whimpered and moaned again.

"The truth." I stood, brushing Romano's hair back, "That his brother went into the trance to protect him."

"I see." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "There really isn't much hope is there?"

"We have to have faith in those on the outside." Germany smoothed back Italy's hair, carefully avoiding his curl, "We don't know what exactly they've been doing but I'm sure that they're doing everything they can."

"We were." Canada cut in from America's side, "We were trying to get out of Aokigahara and before that we managed to get off Hashima and to another place." Italy moaned again and opened his eyes.

"Fra...tello..." He croaked, his voice harsh and scratchy.

"Hey, Italy it's going to be alright. Just hold on." Germany gripped his hand tightly, once again running a hand through his hair.

"Dov'è....mio fratello?" His breaths became short and sharp. He was clearly in a lot of pain.

"He's...not here right now Italy." I slumped against the wall, blocking his view of Romano if he decided to look.

"Quando.....egli sarà di....nuovo?" Italy took another sharp breath, closing his eyes again.

"We don't know, just rest I'm sure when you wake up he'll be back." Germany sighed, glancing with hopeless eyes at France and I, "He'll be back soon, Italy, he'll be back soon."

I have no soul. I'm sorry.

I'm crying.


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