Bad Apple.

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December 17th, 1941


So I was officially part of the Axis about a week later. When Japan heard of this he was at first shocked that I would rebel against my own country but then I guess he realized that I was doing this for him and was happy. At least I think he was....with him it's to tell. I slipped home the night before I left to grab my journal, in my rage I'd forgotten it. As well as some documents on a couple British Spy rings. I figured I had some time to kill so I took the time to write out a note.

Dear the states of America,

By now you've probably heard of my little outburst. And I will tell you that trying to stop me is futile. It's too late for any of you to do anything.

I'm sorry that it has come to this, but you've left me no choice.

Natalie (Nebraska.)

I left it on the table with a knife stabbed into it. Then I went into the library and found exactly what I was looking for. A couple books on Dark Magic. You thought that England was the only one who knew magic? Ha! His is more towards the light side of the spectrum. I'm on the darker side. Then I left. It was easy, really, to get out of the country. I just used the shadow spell to sneak down to the dock, where I met with the others and went aboard Germany's U-Boat.

"I grabbed some papers on some spy rings in your country." I handed over the papers to Germany, "It could be of some use." I watched him look over the papers.

"Thank you. This will come in handy once we're back in my country." Germany shook my hand and turned to Italy. I went and found Japan in another room.

"Hey." I said as I came behind him. He jumped and turned around, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"Nebraska! You startled me! It's a great pleasure to have you on board." He bowed and I did the same.

"It's nice to be on board." I smiled. Japan slightly smiled back, giving me the fluttery feeling in my chest again, "And, if you want to, you have my permission to call me Natalie." He looked shocked for a moment.

"Thank you, Natalie." He blushed a bit and bowed again. In turn I blushed furiously and looked down. Just then Italy ran in with that happy look that was always plastered on his face.

"Japan! Nebraska! We're going to be leaving for Doitsu's place soon!" He shouted.

"Sounds great." I clapped my hands together.

"I'm going to make some pasta! Want to help me?" Italy asked me.

"Lead the way." Unexpectedly he grabbed my hand and ran out of the room with me.

Two hours later I received a call.


"Nat...please stop this." America pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but that's not something I'm willing to do." I said emotionlessly.

"I don't understand-"

"Well then let me explain it to you. I'm no longer under your control." To be honest I felt pretty proud of myself for saying this.

"Nebraska, just come home." England. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I AM home." Then I hung up.

"Let me guess, America trying to convince you to come home." Germany appeared behind me, surprisingly not giving me a heart attack.

"Yep." I popped the 'p' as I said this, "Then England tried. He was the one I hung up on." I smirked at the thought of his shocked face at the other end of the line.


Arthur stared at the receiver in his hand in shock.

"What? What did she say?" I asked frantically.

"I asked her to come home....then she said 'I AM home.'" He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes, "I'm sorry Alfred but I don't think we can stop her." I slumped down to the ground and covered my face with my hands.

"Why? Why is she doing this?" I asked no one. I felt arms surround me and Arthur's head on my shoulder.

"Simple. She loves him. Love is a powerful thing."

"That sounds like a cheesy line from a movie." I attempted a laugh to lighten the mood. Suddenly Kieran (Oklahoma) and Kathryn (Kansas) ran in with Aaron (Texas) not very far behind.

"Alfred! Is it true has she really joined them?!" Kathryn asked. I glanced at Arthur and he nodded solemnly.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Any word from her?" Aaron frowned.

"Actually we were just on the phone with her......." Arthur shuddered at the memory.

"What'd she say!?" Kieran demanded, pushing her fake glasses way up on her nose.

"That she wasn't coming home. Actually that she WAS home." I sighed. For the next hour we sat there talking about what to do. At the back of my mind a horrifying solution came to me. I don't know where it came from but it seemed like the only option.

And it's name was Project Manhattan.

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