It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

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I was first aware of a pounding headache. Then a squeaking noise that took only five seconds to annoy me. I opened my eyes and saw the source of the annoying noise. It was a chandelier, swinging back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. I summoned the energy to sit up, then stand. I looked around at my surroundings, for I was in a completely different place. I was in a type of bedroom. I tried to look out the window but all I saw were trees. The squeaking noise started to really annoy me so I took a chair and set it under the chandelier. I reached up, taking the cold metal in my hand, stopping it. I stepped down and walked out if the room.

"Hello?" I called. Nothing. I stumbled down the hallways on the verge of tears. There was something about this place that was sad but I couldn't figure out what. As I passed a room I thought I heard a moan. I stopped in my tracks and backtracked to the door. With a slight hesitation I reached for the doorknob. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and opened the door.

Canada ^W^

The ground was cold. That was all I could tell as I slowly regained consciousness. The last thing I remember is a shadow looming over me as I sit in a chair in the kitchen. I blinked open my eyes and sat up.

"What the-" I whispered. For some reason I woke up in an old bathtub. Shivering I climbed out and looked around. Everything was a dull grey. But couldn't shake the feeling that I knew this place....I knew it but I couldn't quite put my finger on the name. There were footsteps, heavy. It was one person. Hoping for the best I called out, "A-Alfred?" The footsteps increased speed until they were at the doorway. But it was not my brother.


It was Japan. For some reason he was soaking wet, but other than that he was okay. I knelt by him and shook him awake.

"Kiku wake up. It's me." I whispered. His eyes slowly opened.

"What happened?" He groaned.

"I don't know. But we're in this house that I don't recognize at all." I pulled him to his feet, "Why are you wet?"

"I was pushed into the pool. I agree with you that Jae is an idiot." He frowned and looked around, "Where are we?"

"I don't know. I already told you that." I chuckled, "Well we better see if we can find anybody else." Japan nodded and we exited the hallway. Only to bump into another group of people.


"R-russia?" I stuttered, "Where's Alfred?"

"I haven't seen him. There are others waiting in the library." Russia took my hand and began dragging me down the hallway.

"Wait library? Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"We're in Alcatraz."

"THE Alcatraz!? Alfred's toughest prison!? But how did we get here we were at Nebraska's place!" I'm sure my eyes were bugged out of my head. Alfred had always told me about this place but I'd never been here.

"It's a mystery to the rest of us too." Russia shrugged as he started walking faster.

"Who exactly is 'the rest of us?'" I asked hopefully. Maybe Alfred was here after all!

"Well let's see...there's China, Oklahoma, Texas, France, Germany, Romano, and of course us. I've looked everywhere for Amerika trust me I even went down to The Hole. But he's not here." He sounded a little sad at the last part. Deciding to change the subject I brought up a topic that Alfred had only slightly implied.

"Isn't this place haunted or something?" I looked up and around.

"So the legend goes." Russia shrugged again, "People come here a lot to see the ghosts. I wonder why there aren't any people here today..."

"Probably because the 2ps made all the boats break down or made the managers believe that it was too dangerous." I shook my head, "They probably have that power." Before we could talk much more on the subject we arrived at the library, or what used to be the library. The others were crowded together in a corner.

"Hey Canada," Texas waved a little half heartedly, "I guess that's that. We're the only ones here."

"I want to know what happened to my fretello!" Romano fumed.

"I'm sure he's fine." Oklahoma pushed her glasses up that certain way that let's you know that they're fake, "Now we need to figure out who'd not here."

"Well Italy's one." Germany sighed. And so the list went like this.









"Please be okay everyone." I thought, "Please be okay."

Finally, the day had arrived where my old Alcatraz obsession comes into play. Funny how these things work out.

Peace, love, and ALCATRAZ!!!,


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