Look To The Skies

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Daleks. Blame the daleks.


In all honesty, I think because we'd gone weeks without seeing or hearing from the 2ps we got a bit cocky. We thought that we were safe.

But that was a lie. We were NEVER safe.

Natalie had gone downtown to help a friend move, she left specific instructions to send someone to one of two addresses if anything happened. She'd handed a paper to Russia just before she left, niether of them have ever told us what exactly was on that paper but I'm not gonna pry. Well Germany, Italy, Romano, Japan, and I were attempting to fix a pipe that was leaking in the back room of the pool room. It was dark as we were finishing up. The lights began to flicker at random intervals.

"What's going on?" Italy asked and clung to Germany.

"I don't know. It's not storming outside..." I looked around the room wearily. If there was one thing I didn't like, it was the dark. The lights shut off and stayed off. I heard footsteps behind us, light footsteps. Then they stopped.

"Doitsu....I'm scared." Italy's voice scared the living life out of me.

"It's just the dark you idiot." Romano mumbled. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought there was a slight waver to his voice.

"Both of you be quiet." I whispered. The room suddenly got quiet. Too quiet.

"Japan? Where are you?" Germany sounded far away. I tried walking toward's his voice but I couldn't move. It was like my shoes were glued to the floor. I heard a small whimper that I knew couldn't have come from Italy, "Japan?" The lights suddenly flashed to life, blinding us.

"My my you are all so perceptive." A familiar (and might I add dreaded at this moment.) voice chuckled. Em stood at the deep end of the pool, the exact opposite of where we stood.

"That's doesn't make sense....we were over there when the lights went out..how could we get over here I couldn't even move!" I thought frantically. I heard that same small whimper and we all looked to the side. That caped guy that Natalie talked about...Jae I think, had Japan in his arms. His arm was twisted behind him, probably the cause of the whimpers I'd heard. Jae's hand was firmly clamped over his mouth.

"Let him go." Germany growled.

"Hm...Nah I think I'll keep him." Em ruffled Japan's' hair.

"What do you want?" Italy clung to Germany, tears pricked on the edges of his eyes. Germany held onto Italy as much as Italy held onto him. The silence in the room was absolute as we all stared at Japan, who was trying desperately to get out of Jae's grip. Jae pushed him closer and closer to the water's edge.

"Stop! What do you want!?" I shouted. My shouts were ignored. Em just stood by, smirking at Japan's terror. Before I knew it Jae shoved Japan into the water. As he broke the surface Jae grabbed his collar and pressed him against the wall. Japan flailed about and tried to get away.

"Either you tell me where Natalie is or I drown him." Em smirked.

"Never." I growled, "Let him go!"

"I warned you, Jae." Em glanced at him and he nodded. Jae pushed Japan's head underwater. He struggled even harder, trying to get Jae's hand off. After what seemed like hours Jae pulled him up. Japan gasped for air, taking deep, grateful breaths, "Where is she?" Em asked again.

"Don't tell them!" Japan cried. Jae covered his mouth before he could say anymore.

"No." Germany held Italy close as Italy sobbed into his chest. I glanced over at Romano, he looked like he wanted to cry but also like he wanted to murder somebody.

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