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What is your favorite season of Vampire Diaries? 

We're all on high alert after Klaus confirmed how dangerous Silas can be. He can take the form of anyone we know and manipulate us into seeing and possibly doing things we never would have before. Not even knowing his real face is even worse. He could be anyone and everywhere. Katherine was leveraging the cure to use to get Klaus to stop hunting her for messing with his first sacrifice. She gave Elijah the cure and now we must decide what to do with it. Rebekah desperately wants it to become human and that's why we're having a family meeting I have to be to attendance of. "Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family. And fill my days with meaning knowing that each one matters." She pleads but Klaus is being an ass towards his sister.

"Well, that was poetic." He says not caring how intensive his comment is.

"Well if you can provide us with more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus please." Elijah now looks at his brother.

"Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure.

"And in doing so, he will break down the wall to The Other Side." Rebekah reminds Klaus.

"So it doesn't trap him in there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You of all lovesick fools should applaud his devotion."

"Klaus!" I scold as he belittles Elijah for falling back in love with Katherine just to learn she will never be the human girl she once was.

"He will open the floodgate for every supernatural being that has ever died."

"Including our dear brothers Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back."

"Please, you hated Kol. And you kept Finn in a box for most of his life."

"Elijah, please."
"Yes, please. I have no reason why I have to sit through their bickering." I beg Elijah.

"Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus." Klaus' smile turns into a frown. "I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness."

"Tell me you're joking. Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity of torture."

"I've made my decision."

"When you're sick and dying." Klaus gets in Rebekah's face. "And you beg for my blood I will laugh in your face. And compel you to forget me." I excuse myself and follow after Klaus.

"Is that how you would speak to me?" I ask him.

"What are you talking about?"

"If I choose not to become a vampire would you tell me the horrible things you just said to Rebekah?"

"I wou..."

"But you would. You want to know that I would never leave your side if it's me living as a vampire."

"It's never a possibility?"

"I wouldn't say never. But we have time to be together as hybrid and a human well a witch. We will get to decide if I will become a vampire when the times comes."

"What if it's never?" He asks looking down to the ground.
"The love I have for you Nik is so strong that I would do anything to be by your side for as long as I can. I'm saying at this moment I don't know when I would want to become a vampire but for you, I would do it eventually."

"You are something remarkable Sofia Gilbert."

"And don't you forget it." I kiss his cheek heading out to meet Caroline.

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