"I Do"

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Freya was standing between me and Rebekah. 

Elijah nor Nik were here, great.

Freya was hurt that the guys weren't able make it to walk her down the aisle.

Me "you look stunning, Freya"

She smiled "thank you"

Rebekah "I'm sure he would be here if he could"

Freya nodded in tears "yeah. Maybe we were expecting too much"

I handed her the flowers "well, it's time."

Rebekah nodded "no one deserves this more than you"

Then she kissed Freya's cheek.

I kissed Freya's cheek "see you there"

She smiled and Rebekah and i walked hand in hand down the aisle to our spots as maids of honor.

The music started playing and i smiled.

Both, Elijah and Nik were escorting Freya down the aisle. Kol was there and he was going to do the ceremony. Keelin was here too.

Elijah and Nik let go of Freya and then they joined us.

Nik put an arm around me and kissed my temple.

Marcel and Davina joined us.

He winked at me and i showed him my tongue.

Kol "dearly beloved, now, not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers,--"

He shot Nik a look and chuckled a bit "no, i don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, or to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now, i, foe one, am grateful for today,and i'm grateful for all of you. Keelin when i first met you, i would have never predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, and deserve nothing but the best in life. "

I looked at Nik who was already looking at me.

He mouthed "i love you"

I mouthed back "i love you"

Then i looked back to the ceremony and saw that Keelin and Freya were putting the rings on.

I smiled and Nik pulled me closer to him.

Kol "no, by the power vested in me by a Franciscan monk, in the 13th century, and by the Internet a few hours ago..just to be in the safe side. i now pronounce you married. You may both kiss the bride"

The two kissed and we all clapped.

Hope let the flowers fly like butterflies and we all clapped again.


We were all enjoying the wedding party.

I was dancing with Kol.

I laughed but then i saw how Nik was starring at Hope who was having fun dancing with Keelin  "Kol, i'm afraid to let you hang now but.."

He chuckled "don't worry, darling"

I smiled and walked to Nik. On the way to him i grabbed two glasses of champagne but i remember that i couldn't drink because i was pregnant. I froze and looked at Freya who nodded and mouthed "it's okay."

i smiled and walked to Nik "My love, are you okay?"

He kept starring at Hope.

I sighed and put the glasses down "what? are you gonna be like when she goes to prom?"

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