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Same night. Back in New Orleans. 

Nik, Elijah, Hayley,Hope and i walked into the Mansion. Hayley was carrying Hope.

Nik "Our home. Once the pride of our family, now a flophouse"

Elijah nodded "indeed, the mighty have fallen "

Hayley "Where's Vincent?"

Vincent walked to us " Right here. Kept my word. Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kid, you got to leave the city."

Hayley laid Hope down on a broken sofa.

Nik "Well, we're not gonna stay, are we? Your city has lost its charm."Hayley " What he means to say is that we're very grateful, just help her and we'll leave."Elijah " Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily."Vincent "Excuse me."

He kneeled down to Hope and started to chant something.

Hope woke up "Mom? Riri?"

Vincent stood up to make room for Hayley " That's it. Your little girl's purified."

Nik "thank you."

Vincent " Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city."

Then he walked away. 

Hayley helped Hope up "Go see your daddy and Riri."

I smiled "Come here, princess"

I was going to walk closer to her but a dead crow stopped me. It fell down right in front of my feet. Nik pulled me back. dead crows started to circle around Hope on the ground.

I asked confused "Guys, what is happening?"

Nik " What is this?"

Vincent came back " I don't know."

Hayley kneeled down to her daughter looking if she was okay.

Hope " Mom? Can you hear that? It's whispers. Saying a name. Over and over. "Kre Nah Han, Kre Nah Han"".

I looked at Vincent "What does that mean?"

Vincent " It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means "the Hollow". The Hollow is coming."


Nik and Elijah were putting the crows into a bag.

I turned to Nik "I'm gonna have a chat with Marcel"

Nik stopped with what he was doing and looked to me "no"

I walked to him and put my hands on his chest.

Me "I'm the only one beside Hayley, that Marcel won't kill the second he's we come into view. He won't hurt me. He wouldn't dare. I'm still Queen of this city. I am going"

Nik shook his head.

Me "Hope is going to be my step daughter some day, family sticks together. I'm going. He'll listen to me"

Elijah sighed"She's right, Niklaus. You know that"

Nik took a deep breath and nodded "i don't like your idea"

I smiled "i know"

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out. 

I walked to the witch market. The Tremé. I saw Marcel.

Marcel " Listen up. Listen up. For five years now, we've had a truce. Stayed out of each other's business. Tended to our own. But now, your problems are becoming mine. Someone is taking children. As you know, I have one nonnegotiable rule: we do not mess with kids. Now, you've seen that graffiti. Someone here's got to know who's responsible. Right? So just give me a name. Hmm?"

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