1.12 Rule By My Side

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At the compound. 

I heard Nik and Marcel talking downstairs.

Nik"I was jealous. I saw the Empire you and Ariana have created, without me. I saw it and i wanted it. I wanted her "

Marcel "You're wrong, you know?. We didn't do it alone. I've stood in the shadow of my father my entire human life, and i never would've gotten outta it if not for you. Neither would've Ariana. You where the one who taught me that a man can't be defined by anyone but himself. So...what now?"

Nik "This community who was build, you and Ariana have their respect, their love. I can rule them, but i can not win them. Not without you. Not without her. So rule with me, side by side as friends.....brothers."

I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window. The sun was slowly going up. 

I heard Davina going up on Josh in her room. Yeah, Nik ordered for her to move in. I walked into the room. 

Me "Davina,what's going on?"

Davina shook her head   "I can't stay here. Marcel is just using me. "

I asked confused "What are you talking about?"

Davina "Agnes is dead. Elijah killed her. Marcel was using me the whole time. To control the witches"

I shook my head "No, D. he loves you. He would've killed you already, if he didn't love you"

She shook her head "I can't stay here"

I asked confused "What has gotten into you?"

Davina "Hayley was right. "

I raised an eyebrow, pissed off "Even if i would let you walk out of this door. Nik will find you and chain you to this room if he has too. "

She looked down. 

Me "I'll have a word with Hayley."

I walked out of her room and walked into Hayley's "What the hell are you telling Davina?."

Hayley "The truth. Marcel is using her"

I growled "You have no right to say that. You have NO idea what happened to her. He saved her. He loves her. He took care of her and protected her this whole time. So don't you dare telling her Marcel doesn't care about her!"

Hayley "She deserves the truth""

Me "And you know the truth?. So you were there when he and i saved her? hm? Because i don't remember seeing you there!"

Hayley looked confused  "She's a teenager, Ariana. Why else would Marcel want her alive?"

Me "Because he protected her from her own kind. Because he cares about her. Stop putting shit into her head"

I walked out of the room and in my room.


I walked back into my room and saw Nik sitting on the edge of my bed

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I walked back into my room and saw Nik sitting on the edge of my bed. 

I smiled "Hey"

Then sat down next to him.

I asked worried "Something wrong?"

Nik "Werewolves of my bloodline are living in the Bayou"

My jaw dropped "Wait..The bloodline of your father leads to the Wolves in the Bayou?"

He nodded.

Me "But that's great, or not?"

Nik didn't say anything. I sighed and dropped the subject. 

Me "So, you and Marcel? hm?. Ruling side by side this city "

Nik shook his head "that's not important to me right now"

I raised an eyebrow. 

 He looked at me "Important to me now is, if you want to rule by my side"

My eyes widened. 

Nik "I gave you my word. You would rule by my side."

I looked at him confused "you gave me your word when we were still together, Nik."

Nik gave me a look, nodding "I know"

My eyes went wide "You can't be serious"

Nik "I mean, if you think about it, we never really broke up, Love"

Me "Are you serious? Things have changed, Nik. Things are not going to be the same like 100 years ago"

Nik nodded "i know. I am serious"

Me "Am i going to regret this?"

Nik smirked "Probably"

I took a deep breath "oh boy. i'm so gonna regret this"

Nik smiled and kissed me. 

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