Relaxing Bath

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In the mansion. 

I was lying in the bathtub and relaxing. Nik has gone out to get his self-anger out. 

My phone started to buzz and i took it. It was a face-time call from Hope. 

Yeah i stayed in contact with her even though Nik isn't anymore. He doesn't know about me being in contact with her. 

I smiled and answered "hey, beautiful, how are you doing?"

Hope smiled "i'm grounded but okay?"

I asked confused "why? what did you do?"

Hope "i gave someone my blood and --"

i shook my head "no. Hope, no"

Hope "I didn't think it was such a big deal at the time but now that it's stirred up so much trouble, i-i feel kind of bad. "

Me "Well, the best people are black sheep"

Hope "like my dad?"

Me "i was referring to your uncle Kol"

She giggled.

Hope "seen him lately?"

Me "who? Kol?"

Hope "dad"

I sighed "He's not in the mansion now. He's out taking his anger out on some people. "

Hope "i miss you, Riri"

I smiled "Don't worry. Sooner or later, something will blow up in New Orleans. Bringing the whole family back together. It's always like that"

Hope nodded, in thoughts. 

I raised an eyebrow "don't do something stupid"

She shook her head "don't worry. I won't do anything stupid"

Me "you're your father's daughter. Of course you're going to do something stupid"

Hope "I have to hang up, love you, Riri"

I smiled "love you too, princess"

Then i hung up.

Then i got a call from Marcel. 

I answered "and? what did she say?"

Marcel "Nothing"

I raised an eyebrow "What? you asked the love of your life to marry you and she said no?"

Marcel "Well, she didn't say no"

Me "but she didn't say yes either, right?"

Marc sighed "right"

Me " I'm sorry, Marc"

Marc "don't worry about that"

Me "Why didn't she say anything?"

Marcel "Because of the same reason. The same reason everything happens"

Me "her family"

Marcel sighed "yep"

I sighed "I'm sorry, Marcel"

Suddenly my phone started to buzz. 

I looked at it. 

Marcel "what's going on?"

Me "hey, Kol is calling me, can i call you back later?"

Marcel "Yeah i have some things to take care off"

I nodded "bye"

Then i answered Kol over face- time.

I smiled "and? how's my favorite Mikaelson doing?"

Yes, i am in contact with Kol.  I mean, Nik doesn't know about that. He doesn't know about me being in contact with Kol, Rebekah, Hope and Marcel. 

Kol smiled "great"

Me "how is your wife doing?"

Yes, Kol asked Davina to marry him and she said yes. And now they're married.

Kol "my darling wife is gorging on papaya right now. How's my favorite sister in-law doing?"

Me "I'm fine. I'm taking a bath right now"

Kol "You know, Belize is beautiful this time of year. You should visit again"

Me "i'd love to, but i can't leave Nik behind. Not again"

Kol "He won't notice you gone. Not after everything"

I sighed "Why have you Mikaelsons got to be so difficult?"

Kol "what happened now?"

Me "Well, he's going too far lately and i'm afraid that i have to put a line sooner than i thought"

Kol asked amused "put a line on Nik ? Are you serious?"

Me "I know that that won't have any affect on him, wanna know why? because he's not listening to me anymore"

Kol asked worried "has it gotten that bad?"

I nodded "Yes. I feel like he's sleeping right through my fingers"

Kol "I'm sorry to hear that. When did that even start?"

I shrugged and thought about it "around 4 years ago"

Kol "when you got married?"

I nodded "actually a few months after that"

Kol "typical, Nik, always ruining the best things in his life"

I nodded.

Kol "have you heard what your step daughter did?"

I nodded "yes, i had a chat with her earlier. I can't believe it"

Kol "what did Nik have to say to this?"

I shook my head "nothing. He doesn't know i'm still in contact with her"

Kol "He's gonna be pissed if he finds out"

i nodded "yep"

Kol "this is all bullshit"

I nodded "it is. I miss you, Kol"

Kol "i miss you too"

Suddenly i got a text from Hayley.

Kol "what was that?"

Me "a text from Hayley"

Kol "what does she want?"

I read the text.

Me "She wants me to get Nik to call her because of Hope"

Kol "Well, now you have to make him listen to you"

I nodded.

Kol "good luck with that"

Me "thanks"

I hung up and got out of the tub.

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